Thursday, August 25, 2022

Sensing the Future of Russia and Ukraine

Russia invaded Ukraine Feb. 24, 2022. On that day I meditated and tried to view what the most likely future would be from this event. At first, during this future-sensing meditation, all I saw was a blank canvas. I tried several times that day to try and visualize the future in that region of the world. Finally, I felt a sudden change and was made aware of where this was heading; Putin would eventually be losing this game. In fact, what I now ‘saw’ was that his actions to invade Ukraine acted like a trigger that was now engaging and setting off his downfall and demise. He essentially lit the match that is going to take him out.  

I 'saw’ that Putin would be toppled. I also saw his Oligarchs lose as well. I saw the Russian people, who have been suppressed and silenced by Putin for decades, will gain momentum to change the course of Russia. The Ukraine invasion would unify not only Europe and many countries, it also would give many Russians hope for change. They want a different Russia - they want a Russia with freedom of expression and equal rights. Essentially by invading Ukraine, the energy in that region is now focused that will give birth to a different Russia and a Ukraine that becomes the shining example of democracy and individual freedoms.

It has now been 6 months since the Putin invasion of Ukraine and most of the West has rallied around Ukraine and condemned Putin. The Russian people now seem to be starting to stir more and be more open in their opposition to his regime, suppression, and lies.  The journey continues but the outcome of individual rights will eventually prevail. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Sensing the Future of the USA

Before Mr.Trump was elected president of the USA, I engaged in a future sensing activity, which is a spiritual energy skill, as I wanted to know what America’s future would look like if Trump became president. I saw 4 events in this Trump path – that of Russia taking over the election and invading America, followed by North Korea and China taking over the arms control and finances of America, followed by a civil war…those are not small events that have a start and stop time limit. They are events that would create America to change. Trump was elected and Russia took over the hearts of many within America’s Executive and Legislative branches of government. America’s debt expanded and China took over much of the USA's debt, and North Korea toying seemed to toy with the USA in a type of nuclear arms game.

In the middle of the Trump term, the USA was a powder keg of strife, hate, and chaos.There were marches and demonstrations filling the country. Public gatherings started to be places for lone shooters to kill and release their anger. It felt like doom and gloom was everywhere so I wanted to get an update on America’s future. I engaged in another future sensing activity to see where America was now headed. Now I saw three different possible path options standing in front of the future of the USA:.

Path 1: America shrinks in its power. Other countries see America as no longer a threat as the leaders within the government of the USA can be bought off or join in with their pilfering of money and power. Russia ends up taking control of America.

Path 2: The USA has a new Civil War.  The Trump supporters and the right wing militia kill off those who are against Trump and a civil war begins that divides the country. This war of Trump supporters Vs NonTrump supporters divides the country and the Trump supporters are encouraged to kill those who resist Trump. The power and infrastructure of the country are gone. I followed the visual along this path and eventually saw it led to the east coast and Washington DC being destroyed. Or maybe this was just a metaphor that the USA may no longer be standing at all and all institutions would be lost due to the civil war and its destruction. Or perhaps it was that now the USA would end up being split into different sections such as little fiefdoms. Essentially the end result was that the USA as a democracy or as a nation no longer existed. 

Path 3: End of Trumpism. In this path, the values of divisiveness,retaliation,revenge, victimhood, white nationalism, and silencing opposition (aka Trumpism) are no longer the dominant forces and voices in this timeline and path. More and more individuals come together to participate in protecting the constitution and rights. There is still chaos, anger, and bloodshed, but it is not a full blown Civil War like Path 3. It is not a blood bath, but it is a struggle and it is a long struggle.

The USA ended up choosing to not re-elect Trump. But he and his message of Trumpism is still trying to become or stay as a dominant force in the country.Recently I went back into that mode of peeking into America’s future and this time saw some of the timeline swerving back and forth as if we were blowing in the wind. It was as if the timeline options were still in flux and not yet made a commitment on which path to take. Would it go back to Trumpism and path 2? Or would it stay the course and keep on path 3? 

I stretched my view further and further in time and eventually saw that as more and more people were “sparked’ with the shialude energy, and with this spark gained that ability for more mental clarity, they were able to make choices that were supportive of rallying around supporting life, community, and freedoms of protection. These values then led towards actions to rally around protecting the constitution and this then defeated that culture of hate and divisiveness. It was at this time that the waving back and forth between these two options ended and the Path 3 became the surviving timeline. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Finding the Oneness of Pure Inner Joy

Our dreams can become your personal communication message network between the physical plane and the spiritual plane. We can ourselves to remember our dreams as well as to learn how to interpret the message. This is a dream message I received regarding the interplay of desire, clarity of.

Overview of the Dream

In my dream I was at a social gathering. One of my female friends talked about a young lady she knew who was a singer and trying to break into the biz. She asked me, and maybe others, to come see her perform. We went, and I saw there was something in this singer - a spark of energy, but she was also weighed down in self doubt and outside influences. My female friend asked me if I was going to an upcoming conference and I said no, but she then asked if I would go to the conference and help look after this young lady. So I went. 

The conference was HUGE and rather awful. I was ready to leave, but then was met by someone who asked me to come and chat or see this young woman who was going to sing at this event. I went, and was now in a small circle of her entourage and this young woman was filled with doubt, insecurities, and didn’t want to perform. I went up to her, face to face, looking into her eyes and connected with that inner thread of spirit, and spoke to her about finding that inner voice and doing what she knew she had to do. She looked away, wanting to go back to that cycle of fear and self deprecation, but I said to stay focused, and look here, pointing to my nose (rather than my eyes), and then again told her to feel and connect within herself and then do it - sing. 

I reminded her about the night I saw her in the bar and how her voice carried us all away. I could see she now started to glow a bit. I could see her inner energy start to take flight within her.

Things then changed within her and she started to pull herself together. I could ‘see’ different possible outcomes - one of soaring and owning her voice and all those experiences, and then lesser outcomes also emerged as possible paths, such as being mediocre and going back and forth with doubt. I was hoping she would cling to that pure energy and allow herself to be carried away, focused, and motivated to achieve all her desires - to complete her ALL. I then woke up (aka end of message).

Interpreting the Dream

I sometimes meditate to help me interpret the dream, which is what I did with this dream. I was now presented with additional visuals, feelings, along with concepts being added to the dream message. I could see and feel how going WITHIN her and giving energy to her INNER THREAD of desire along with her life plan, changed her trajectory - or it COULD change her trajectory. I then realized how this “pure clear thread’ of energy is not easily obtained, but it is possible, and can be achieved in everyone who wants to achieve their DESIRE. It would take a lot of work, effort, time, and rework, and getting up, and going through the muck of doubt, along with blasting away stagnant thoughts and energies that often comes from other people. 

I also realized this is what “quality of life” is centered on - that inner energy thread which is based on that person’s desire and life plan. This energy includes that person's hope and a type of pull. The quality of life is a very personal thing. It is based on someone discovering that inner thread and then helping it grow and grow and grow, and become richer and purer and more vibrant through their life.

There is also a need to continue to “move” and do things that are close or associated with the direction of that person's desire. That movement and action may not be perfect, but it is that process of moving in the desired direction that will help a person learn and grow. Those actions help to clear that subtle spiritual energy viscosity and results in improving their quality of life.  It is with that action, effort, and movement that will take a person to achieve that ultimate sensation - a oneness and purity of joy. 

There is a point when you “arrive” and become one with that pure energy. It is that oneness, that alignment that is the goal. It creates that thin short thread of energy that is forever woven into you, and also connects you to the center. Perhaps the center is the center of the Tao, I’m not sure, but it is the same energy.

The Message or Insight

Each person will have a different idea of what life quality means to them. Helping them find that inner thread, and learning how to cultivate it may come from the outside, but the desire, action, and motivation is from their inner source. It is that inner source of personal growth and change is what this new era of humanity is now becoming. More individuals will feel this pull and desire to find that oneness of pure inner joy.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Parallel Timelines

A few years after William (a Harmony) shared the shialude energy with me I noticed something in a cow field that had never been there that morning. It was an old granary building covered in graffiti with some broken walls. This morning when I drove by this field it was just a field with some cows, but in the afternoon, when I was going back home, there was now an old granary building smack in the middle of that field and not a cow in sight. 

I pulled the car over on the freeway to look and try and understand what was going on. How did this old building just appear in this field?  Where did it come from? Why was it here? I was kind of freaked out.

When I got home I connect with my Spiritual Guide, John U.K., and asked him about what was going with this building? He told me we were now in a different “timeline” is all.  In THIS timeline the decision had been made to build a grainery outside of town. In the timeline we had just come from, the decision had been to erect a grainery closer to the town of Brigham City. It was not an inconsequential decision, but shows that when you move from one timeline to another, those little differences may come to view if you can remember the prior timeline.

This was my first awareness that other timelines really did exist. It also gave me additional information - that we can move to other timelines, blend into those lines, and even explore those other lines. In addition, we can learn how to remember or recall those other timelines.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Personal Experiences Around What Happens After You Die?

What happens after you die? My Spiritual Guide and Teacher, John U.K. shared this  information with me about what happens after we die. “After death the fragment (who is a fragment of the Tao; the soul; the person) is debriefed. The length of time of the debriefing depends on what the fragment expects in the afterlife and what type of life they have lived. For those who expect heaven or hell, they will experience such. Stalin, Hitler, and other tyrants are still in that process of debriefing because they have to accept each and every persons death they were responsible for causing – in fact, they will continue this process well until all other fragments have gone on to progress to the mid-causal of the Tao and they will live out their lives alone on the earth.”

Because I have developed some unique skills, I now have had some experiences with the afterlife that have given me more insight than what John U.K. shared with me. My unique skills include being able to project my spiritual self to the astral plane (heaven) and as a result I CAN connect and interact with souls who have died and are now spiritual beings. In addition, I have developed healing skills with medical Qigong and with this, I developed the ability to sense subtle invisible energies, like Qi (chi). I am able to see, sense, visualize, and communicate with spiritual energies including energetic spiritual beings, usually in a mediation or a medical Qigong treatment. 

As a result, my own personal experiences with what happens after someone dies broadens the picture a bit as to what happens after we die. Shortly after I was certified in Medical Qigong, the Chinese Master who taught me her skills died. This was one of my first experiences I had in being able to see and interact with someone’s soul who had just passed.   

Joy and No More Pain and Suffering

I was meditating at home, early in the morning, and felt the presence of Suzanne, my Qigong instructor in the room. Suzanne had been very sick from lung cancer and near death for a couple of days. I opened my eyes and there she was, standing right in front of me. I knew she was dead, but in front of me I saw a very vibrant and exuberant soul. She was filled with joy. She even got on my couch and started to jump up and down because she could.She was no longer hampered with shortness of breath, pain, and the burden of cancer. She observed me drinking tea and asked for a cup, then laughed and laughed like it was a funny joke because we both knew she couldn’t drink what I was having. This was my first experience in having a soul visit me immediately after they died.. 

From this experience I learned that death is just a different state of being and it can be an experience filled with joy, laughter, and complete satisfaction. 

I also had another experience where someone who recently died then came to visit me.

Moving In and Out Between the Domains

After I became certified in Medical Qigong I rented a clinic to give weekend medical Qigong treatments. Before each treatment I would go into my office, meditate, and mentally prepare for the treatment. But on this day, during my meditation preparation I saw my former father-in-law standing in front of me. I had heard he just died, but now he was standing in my office. He greeted me and asked if he could observe me at work. He didn’t know anything about Qigong and wanted to know more about it. I told him “OK, but he had to behave”.

I then walked into the treatment room and he was already standing in that room. My client was laying on the treatment table with her eyes closed and totally relaxed and I felt as if she would not be disturbed or even aware of his presence. I then began the Qigong medical treatment. But during her treatment I continually heard my former father-in-law making comments, such as  “oh my! did you see that?” and then “by golly what just happened there?” I even smiled a bit to myself because it seemed he was enjoying this experience. When the treatment ended, he disappeared and was now gone.

But later at my home, he again showed up for a while and we chatted a bit, and then he left. He did this several times. I assumed he stopped by so much because I could see and converse with him and others could not. But on the day of his funeral I told him he needed leave and be with the family. He left and never returned like before. But later he sought me out when I was there on the astral plane. He said he was no longer able to easily come to the physical plane and visit with me. He could only do this right after he died. He no longer had that “physical essence” that helped him easily go back and forth between the physical and astral planes. This essence only lasted a few days and then it was gone. He now had to develop other ways if he wanted to communicate or connect with those on the physical plane.

Those two experiences of interacting with a soul who just died, and then having them come to visit directly me is different from experiences where I go to visit the soul who has just died and is on the astral plane.

The Soul Goes to a Place of Transition and Debriefing

I was on vacation when a family member, who was aged and suffering from dementia, died. I decided to project myself to where she is on the astral plane and just check in with her. So I began a meditation and and then when I felt ready, I projected myself to the astral plane with a focus on connecting and visiting her. I immediately arrived in what looked like a hospital room, and saw she was laying in a hospital bed with the head raised. She looked exactly like I last saw her - old and frail, but this time she seemed mentally sharp, smiling, laughing and appeared very happy. Her husband was there and other friends and family hovered around the bed. She suddenly stopped talking and looked at me and asked, “Beth, what are you doing here? Are you dead?” I told her no, that I just wanted to check on her and make sure she was OK.”  She obviously seemed fine - better than ever. I then noticed the others were starting to stare at me as if I was an alien so I decided to leave, and did. I was now out of my meditation and felt comforted she was OK and doing well. 

The Transfer is Instantaneous

Another friend of the family, in her 90’s, was in a care facility and out of state. She was now in hospice and getting ready to die. I wanted to make sure she was OK and I also didn’t want her to feel alone or abandoned. I decided to visit her by projecting myself to her bedside and see if I could help ease this transition. 

I found her spiritual self standing outside of her physical body and looking down at herself in the hospital bed. She greeted me and then resumed looking down at her body, just observing it and waiting for it to die so her spiritual self could be released. I told her I was here to see if I could help.She asked if I knew a way to speed up this process of what seemed to be a slow lingering death.

I told her I was aware there was something in her chest that would look like a little sliver of white "rice" but that it acts kind of like a plug. I continued, “It will slowly fall out on its own, or you, the owner of your body, can pull it out.” She said, "is that all?"  I said yes, as far as I know.  

She laughed and then just yanked it out. IMMEDIATELY the light in the room changed and we were now both standing in a different dimension. We had not "physically moved" but were now somewhere else and it happened in less than a second.

We were now in what looked like a hospital room and it was filled with her friends and family all talking, laughing, and with welcoming messages. I could see what looked like balloons and welcome signs - like the beginnings of a party.

She and I then flickered back and forth between her hospice room and this new "afterlife realm" located in a different dimension. This seemed to be initiated by her thoughts. She would have a thought like “I wonder what is happening to my body” and IMMEDIATELY we were flipped back to the bedside of hospice looking down at her physical body. The nurses were there doing what they needed to do with her physical body and we were both once again just standing over her former dead body that was now dead. She then would have a change in her thoughts and IMMEDIATELY we both would be back standing in that other realm. 

I told her she could probably go back and forth between these realms very easily for a few days, but as her earthly essence in the physical world diminishes, this ability to move back and forth with just a thought would probably end. From my experience, it is usually a few days. She was rather tickled and excited about this new information.I then told her good-bye and left. I ended my meditation and was now back in my home.

Death of a Hybrid Soul

Years ago I gave one Qigong treatment to a young man with depression, but years later, this young man committed suicide.  A few days after his death, I projected my energetic self to the astral plane to see if I could reconnect back with him and make sure he was OK. I found him in what appeared to be a medical facility to me. He was in a private room and in a hospital bed. He was facing away from the door, laying on his side, covered by a sheet and blanket. The lights were turned off. The door was open and I slowly walked into the room. I called out his name and announced who I was while I walked toward him. He didn't acknowledge me at all. I then saw a mutual friend of ours in the room - Jim. Jim had died of cancer over a year ago, saw me, and walked up to me and gave me a hug. He guided me out of the room and we chatted in the hall. Our shared friend was not ready to have visitors, so I left, but was delighted that Jim was there to help in this young man's transition after death. 

I returned to my meditative state on the physical plane, but then received a mental message "I am alright, now". I knew the message was from this young man. His message was embedded in the melody of a song I knew by Paolo Nutini - "White Lies". It was as if the melody and the embedded words were being carried directly into my mind. The lyrics, however, had been slightly modified to express what this young man wanted to tell me and share with his parents.  Here is the message: 

  • There's a heart on the line And it rests with your eyes 
  • Please don't fade and please don't cry, coz I'm all right, now
  • Take a chance and watch it fall, grab too much and lose it all 
  • Now I've lost my disguise, I'm all right, now

This was the young man that I recently learned is a “hybrid soul”. For his transition, it would be specifically catered for his needs - to recover in quiet place, in the dark, and communication would be done using sound, music, and telepathy.


Based on my personal experiences with persons who have recently died, the soul can go to a place of transition and be greeted by family and friends to assist in that transition. Also, souls who have recently died are more easily able to continue to be present on the physical plane for a few days after they die due to their physical essence, but when that is gone, the visits and/or communication and/or sensation from that person won’t be as easy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Your Energetic Soul

Your soul is energy. Your soul is not physical. It is part of the metaphysical realm that is mostly invisible to our eyes and other senses. Because our soul is not physical in nature, it does not need to conform or obey the physical laws of nature, like gravity or laws of motion. For example, it can defy gravity - our soul can float and fly. Our soul also moves by the speed of thought, which is much faster than the speed of light or speed of sound. You essentially just have a focused thought on where you want to go and then you are there. The movement and change of location is that fast. 

Your energetic self, your soul, can conform to physical spaces, such as the human body, but it doesn’t need to. It can be confined or not. It is flexible in how it behaves. It can also fragment into smaller pieces of itself. This allows the option to be in multiple places at once, which means that part of the soul can stay inside the physical body, for example, and other portions can leave the body and be somewhere else.  

In addition, all the parts of the energetic soul can communicate with each other and do not need to be physically connected in order to commune. It is always connected with itself no matter where the other parts of it are located. The energetic soul is really rather wondrous. 

Because your soul is an invisible energy field with tremendous flexibility and communication skill, it allows you opportunities beyond physical restrictions. For example, while you are sleeping, you may have sent a portion of your soul to visit your Higher Self on the astral plane. You would do this because your Higher Self is the conglomerate sum of all your prior incarnations and knows your life objectives and what experiences you have already learned in prior lives. This is your primary and best source to help you navigate your life journey. 

Or perhaps, during a meditation, you feel an expansion and then have a portion of your soul wander off and be directed to check on your kid at school and make sure he is OK.  Or you may develop skills to project outside of your physical body and send your energetic self to the bedside of someone to give them a remote Qigong medical treatment. These are some of the things you can do by learning how to use your energetic body to help you in your physical reality.

But there are other opportunities for new and different experiences within the energetic field of the Tao. For example, an energetic soul could send part of its soul to explore parallel timelines. Or you could have your soul go and explore all the dimensions of the Tao itself. The soul could even project itself back to the past and visit prior incarnations, for example, or even project itself into the future. It is even possible for an energetic soul to decide to completely leave its physical body and allow a totally different soul to take up occupancy in that physical body. These are all possible. AND, they are all being done right now.

There are many possibilities and ways to learn, grow, and explore in our lives. But tapping in and using our energetic soul to open up new doors of discovery is another possibility and a new reality. There are many more and different adventures ahead of us.

Monday, August 8, 2022

The New Paradigm Shift

This story came to me in a meditation about the paradigm shift that is now happening due to bestowing of the shialude energy. 

The story begins with a Chinese Monk on top of a mountain. This is where he lives.  There is a rock wall where I usually see him sitting and gazing out in contemplation. He has a visitor - a male. The monk has welcomed this man to his home. He doesn't know him but he welcomed him and shared his food. He sat in conversation with this stranger and also shared his home. He sheltered this visitor, offered friendship as well as respect. I then saw this man slit the throat of this Buddhist monk and take over his home and property. The man wanted the peace, serenity, and all that was there. But the man experienced emptiness and anxiety. The feeling and serenity that HAD been there,was no longer there. The energy had changed. Eventually the man left.  Both he and the monk had lost.

In the next scenario the same scene restarted. A man approaches the monastery and the Buddhist monk greets him and welcomes him into this home. The monk shares food, shelter, and conversation. The man stays and spends time there. The man is learning from the monk and expanding his views and understanding. The man eventually leaves and takes the gifts of knowledge and experience with him. The man finds a place of his own and builds a home of his own and a life that includes the energy and insights he developed. In this scenario, both the man and the monk win.

I am made aware that we humans are finally moving AWAY from dominating, destroying, and taking what we want from others. The paradigm is now moving towards one of sharing, having respect, learning from each other, and creating bounty from your own work and effort. THIS is where the new paradigm shift.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

A Hybrid Soul Experience

A few years ago I did a Qigong treatment on a young man suffering from depression. A few years after my treatment, he died by suicide. But during a meditation today, his spiritual self stopped by to visit with me. In our discussion I learned he is a “Hybrid” - a type of dual soul who blends from two different sources. 

After our brief interchange, I pulled out my treatment notes from the Qigong treatment I gave him in 2019. I wanted to see if there were hints or signs in his treatment to show me his dual nature. Here is a summary of his Qigong treatment (which he is permitting me to share): 

Pre-Qigong Treatment Assessment

I did a brief projection of my energetic self to his bedside inorder to prepare for his upcoming qigong treatment. I came into his bedroom and it was dark and gray – thick with stagnant energy. I first thought I needed to clear this gray energy out of his room, but then thought, “no, this is a type of protection he has created and I need to leave it as is”.  It was like a cocoon of dark energy. In a way, it reminded me of being deep in the ocean. I then thought of how I feel at times when I am in the swimming pool – that feeling of total relaxation and oneness. I brought that feeling in me, and into the room. I then thought of whale sounds, and that sound now filled this energetic space. It felt relaxing, and I could see it was helping him relax and trust my presence.

I then introduced myself to him. No comment back. No response. I then told him I was going to assess his personal energy and frequencies. I would need to clear some of the stagnant energy away from his body so I could get in to access him. The room was dark, black like energy, but the energy surrounding his body was white – like clouds, so I brushed those clouds away. 

I then went into his energetic body to assess his organs. Physically, his organs looked fine. I then pondered the situation based on his emotions and got a different feel. I kept thinking how he seemed to NEED to be enveloped in darkness, like it was dark water.  

I decided to schedule his Qigong treatment on this upcoming Friday night/early Saturday morning to be done while he slept. I also requested help from spiritual beings who could assist me with the type of care he needed. 

Qigong Treatment

A female Spiritual Being showed up to help with this Qigong treatment. It was someone I didn’t know and had never worked with before. She said her name was Elke. We then began the treatment and she introduced some very long thin subtle energy threads into his energetic body. I saw these very microscopic threads elongate and stretch within his entire body. I then saw his skin change. It actually reminded me of dolphin skin. It was as if these energy threads were able to create a new type of skin for him – almost like a wetsuit. It was a layer of protection, but with this “new skin” he would be able to be more mobile and be protected from our world. It would allow him to leave his bedroom, which essentially was like a cave in that deep dark water. With this new skin (of protection) he would be able to go out onto dry land (the outside world) and interact. 

In a way, he seemed to be like a dolphin but had to morph into being a human in order to interact in the human world. He had not yet been able to adjust to the environment “out of the water” so Elke, the Spiritual Being assisting with his treatment, brought strands of energy that would allow him to create a skin of protection and move in and out of these environments at his own pace and when he wanted.

Elke then showed me how the skin would change – color, texture, thickness, etc, based on his desire. He would be in charge of bringing this layer of protection forward and making it do what he needed it to do. He was now “chameleon-like” but the change was based on his emotional and mental need, not the environment. I then wrapped him in Qi and ended the session. 


My Qigong treatment notes clearly indicate the signs of this young man's dual nature but at that time, I didn't know that a hybrid soul was even a possibility. But because I am on a quest to learn more about the metaphysical Tao, I'm consciously being more open, aware, and accepting of different concepts. This was the reason why he stopped by for our visit during this meditation.

This concept about having a hybrid soul now seems rather remarkable and wondrous. Perhaps there are others. Maybe even some people we view as misfits or those who don't fit in are really just explorers and adventurers in this new path of our expanding reality.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

A Dream Message About Gifts Not Requiring Close Proximity

In a dream vignette, I walked by a plant and could feel moisture around that plant. This was in a dry setting with very little water and just a singular plant in the middle of nothing. I could see water being provided to that little plant from absolutely nowhere.

Now I was somewhere else in the dream and a different location. I walked by a different plant and this time I could see and FEEL water was being given to this plant by plants that were far away. They were giving and sharing their own water with this remote little plant in its time of need. 

I stopped to look more closely at this plant and saw lots of drops of water on the leaves. The drops just appeared from out of nowhere. I could FEEL that this gift of moisture was abundantly being made available to this dry little plant. It was life saving. It was life giving. 

In the dream I knew this was an important message about SHARING and TRANSFERENCE. I was being made aware that sharing and transferring a physical gift does not necessarily require physical proximity. A gift can be sent and received from anywhere.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Beginning Steps to Explore the Metaphysical Tao

In the 1990’s, humanity received a gift of new energy known as the Shialude. The result of this energy is the means for humanity to expand consciousness and awareness in every way. One of these ways provides more ease in being able to project one’s energetic self to go deeper and further in the Tao. Before the Shialude energy was shared with humanity, projecting and visiting other levels of the Tao was pretty much confined to primarily the astral plane. But now we can access additional planes of the Tao.  

My mental construct of the Tao is based on the book “Messages from Michael” by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.  In this model there are 7+ levels with the Tao and movement and advancement from one level to the next is a path of progression and growth. 

This energetic model of different levels and vibrations of the Tao is also similar to the model of the  7+ chakras within our spiritual body. Since we are a fragment of the Tao, we are also a microcosm of the Tao, so it makes sense that we would have a similar conceptual model as the Tao. This mental construct of different levels with a path of growth and change has been the framework I've been using to conceptualize where I visit and interact with Spiritual Beings throughout the Tao.

Over the years I have been projecting my energetic self to meet and converse with different spiritual beings - often not knowing where I am during these visits. Sometimes I will have a guide, but most of the time I don't. Needless to say, my methodology has been mostly a kind of trial and error approach. Occasionally I have had experiences I didn't expect and was totally unprepared for. This would require me to use my Qigong skills to direct protective energy and push potential threats away from me due to my fear or lack of understanding. I concluded I needed more guidance and help as I went deeper and further into the Tao levels.

A spiritual being I call “The Microbiologist” offered two Spiritual Guides to assist me in my quest to explore the Metaphysical Tao; Ian and Rhonda. 

I met the Microbiologist when I was doing a Qigong healing on my very first cancer patient. He just showed up next to me. My client was laying down on the treatment table and I was standing over her. The Microbiologist,  a very tall spiritual being, was now standing next to me. I immediately knew he was here to help with this treatment. His presence immediately calmed me and I now felt more confident this treatment would be successful. He then took my hands in his and enveloped my hands with loving energy. I was overcome with a sensation of love and support. He then guided my hands to the places in her body with cancer and seemed to "will or encourage" those cells to come into my hands and be scooped out of her body. This was such a dramatic lesson on the power of love as well as respecting the cancer cells to want to leave her body.  

Now, this same spiritual being, the Microbiologist, was providing me a new way to continue my learnings and growth. I now had two spiritual guides to help me explore the metaphysical/spiritual side of the Tao. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

A New Type of Subtle Energy is Now a Part of Humanity; The Shialude

Each era of major change in humanity comes from a change in the subtle energies humanity can access and use. In our era, it is the gifting of the Shialude energy that was bestowed on us by the Harmonies. The Harmonies are Spiritual Beings beyond the Tao. To me, they act like the caretakers of the Tao, helping to assure the objectives and desires of the Tao are carried out and steps for progression and the means to expand consciousness and awareness can be achieved.

There have been 20 times over the course of humanity when the Harmonies came and interacted with humanity to share a new type of energy. After each visit, a new awakening and expansion of consciousness occurs.  The first sharing created a change in the mind of a species of apes. After this was the transition and evolutionary path to create our species. 

The last time the Harmonies shared a new type of subtle energy with the world was what triggered the Renaissance. That subtle energy expanded the consciousness to create a path to shift from superstition towards truth. It was a time when art expression changed, and provided the energy thread to start breaking up the central control of religion and its dogma and power. The renaissance includes the stories of people like Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci. In science we see the new energy being expressed with more inquisitive minds, such as with Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton. Martin Luther and also King Henry 8th of England showed us the new threads of change that started to break up the centralized religious power, putting cracks in its foundation.

With this new subtle energy we witnessed a change in science, art, religion, politics. In addition, there was also a shift in power, too. Power had been consolidated within only a few people - such as a king or a pope, for example. But after this new subtle energy was bestowed, shifts in power towards bankers and merchants as well as people with new ideas emerged. Awakenings and times of change tend to create chaos and uncertainty, but it also creates paths to improve humanity's progression.

The shialude energy is the awakening energy that was shared in our era by the Harmonies. We can expect the impact and changes from this new energy will be even greater than the last time humanity was bestowed with this type of energetic gift. We can expect to have even greater expansion of awareness and consciousness than humanity has ever witnessed. In addition, power will shift towards more individuals. We can already see this happening as regular unknown individuals suddenly become famous or become influencers in our culture. We also have witnessed a lot of individuals who were unknown suddenly growing to prominence and becoming billionaires in ways that were not anticipated.

This era - the one we are now in - will continue to be filled with changes in everything and everywhere. It is not just the world experiencing these changes; it is the entire Tao. This is a big milestone in our development and growth. Eventually the chaos will dissipate and calm and it will normalize. Humanity (and other life forms) will have a more expanded consciousness and awareness. We will eventually view this period of time as an awakening.

Monday, August 1, 2022

A New Type of Healing Experience

A friend of mine has a new grand-baby; a little girl born just a few days ago. But now the baby is in the hospital with viral meningitis. I volunteered to do a remote energetic healing on the new baby.

When I do energetic healings, I project my soul to the bedside of the patient and then request the assistance of The Old Chinese Master and Microbiologist. They joined me and we began to prepare a healing treatment for this new little soul. But then my new Spiritual Guides who are helping me explore the expanded metaphysical world, Ian and Rhonda, also showed up. We now formed a little “nonphysical circle” of energetic beings surrounding this little baby. 

I then became aware of an additional soul I didn't know who joined our circle. It was a young girl - a young adult. I then realized this was the new baby’s spirit! She was showing us her "soul age" rather than the age of the infant, and she was standing outside her body. This shocked me. But in that moment, I was made aware that souls come and go frequently in and out of a newborn. This back and forth, in and out, can last about a year or so until they take up permanent residency in that body. I then realized she was in that process of becoming "attached" to that physical body and was not yet a “full time resident”. 

She then made a comment that this new illness was unexpected and not something she planned or expected. She was now wondering if she even wanted to stay with this body because she didn’t want any of the possible negative side effects as part of this life journey. 

Then, Rhonda and Ian (my new Spiritual Guides) conversed with the Microbiologist and determined what would be needed to solve this illness. They then informed this girl what she would need to do once she went back into her physical body. She could make some minor tweaks, flip some switches, and the problem would be resolved. The girl accepted this advice, re-entered her little physical body of an 8 pound baby. I could "see" her flipping a few switches (which to me looked like specific genetic codes). When she was done, I could immediately tell this little body was no longer broken and she was healed. I also knew there would not be any long term effects from this disease.   

In addition, I seemed to automatically KNOW that Rhonda and Ian had obtained the exact healing instructions from the future. They didn't "leave" and go anywhere to retrieve this information; it just showed up and was available in their mind. It seems this will be one of the new things I will be learning about 

I also became aware that the energetic healing process I currently use will be considered archaic in the future. Having someone else heal another person's body will not be the norm. In the future, a person can obtain the genetic sequence needed to make the changes in their body, and then will do that just that. It may be done in utero or perhaps at any age. But the DNA sequence to correct health problems will most likely be something individuals will be able to choose, access, install, and control. 

I was in awe of this new metaphysical healing experience. It was a moment of wonder and created a new awareness of what will be possible.