This story came to me in a meditation about the paradigm shift that is now happening due to bestowing of the shialude energy.
The story begins with a Chinese Monk on top of a mountain. This is where he lives. There is a rock wall where I usually see him sitting and gazing out in contemplation. He has a visitor - a male. The monk has welcomed this man to his home. He doesn't know him but he welcomed him and shared his food. He sat in conversation with this stranger and also shared his home. He sheltered this visitor, offered friendship as well as respect. I then saw this man slit the throat of this Buddhist monk and take over his home and property. The man wanted the peace, serenity, and all that was there. But the man experienced emptiness and anxiety. The feeling and serenity that HAD been there,was no longer there. The energy had changed. Eventually the man left. Both he and the monk had lost.
In the next scenario the same scene restarted. A man approaches the monastery and the Buddhist monk greets him and welcomes him into this home. The monk shares food, shelter, and conversation. The man stays and spends time there. The man is learning from the monk and expanding his views and understanding. The man eventually leaves and takes the gifts of knowledge and experience with him. The man finds a place of his own and builds a home of his own and a life that includes the energy and insights he developed. In this scenario, both the man and the monk win.
I am made aware that we humans are finally moving AWAY from dominating, destroying, and taking what we want from others. The paradigm is now moving towards one of sharing, having respect, learning from each other, and creating bounty from your own work and effort. THIS is where the new paradigm shift.
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