Friday, December 30, 2022

You Are Here For a Reason

If you are alive on this planet, you are here for a reason. Before you were born, you thought about, and probably planned the type of experiences you wanted to have. This resulted in a type of matching process between your soul and an upcoming body being created; a baby. In other words, the reason you have the gender you have, or your parents, or the environment you have are all interwoven into the life experience you desired and what you hoped to achieve or experience. 

Your life purpose won’t be the same as anyone else. You will also have multiple reasons  and purposes, and they may change over your lifetime. However, the major reason for any of us to be here is because of the Tao’s  (God, Goddess, All that Is, The Source, Higher Power,  etc.) desire to learn, grow, progress, understand, gain insight. The Tao fragmented to produce an infinite number of possibilities that could be experienced and it was this fragmentation that created us - our souls. We essentially are embedded with this overall mission - to have experiences we have never had before. This results in an almost innate inner compulsion to take you in directions that will help you create a life that can expand your experiences, knowledge, understanding, and insights.

Before you were born, you created a plan of what you wanted to experience in this incarnation. You had desires and then matched those desires with the type of life that could give you those types of experiences, growth, learning, or progression.   You chose your body type, your gender, race, socio-economic situation, your parents, physical traits, personality overleaves, etc. All of these were factored into this life experience based on the probability to provide you with the type of life experiences you desired. This doesn’t mean you will have an easy life journey or that everything you planned for or hope to happen will occur as planned. It means you planned a life to have purpose and meaning with desired outcomes of growth, development, experience, knowledge, and insight. It means there is a meaning behind why you are here.

The Tao allows both positive and negative energy in our lives because these opposing forces provide humanity with the ability to learn and grow in very different ways.  Therefore, the Tao, in its wisdom, devised mechanisms that would skew the experiences more towards the positive aspect because positive energies are what promotes and propels us forward. Positive energy is derived from positive experiences and really is the source of life itself, so rather than positive and negative energy being equal and balanced the Tao produces more positive experiences over negative experiences. Our souls will seek ways or sources to create those more positive energy or positive experiences. 

But of course, real life is going to be a bit different from what we expected or hoped for when we were planning our incarnation. There are a lot of unplanned events that happen on this planet that can interfere with our hopes and dreams - an illness, a death, a relocation, a loss of a job, etc. Life happens. Plans often need to be changed or reprioritized. 

Let me share some experiences that seem to reflect how often what we plan for may not be how things turn out. Or how they help us to find ways to overcome those unplanned or uncharted hurdles. 

The Newborn Deciding if This Physical Body is Still a Good Match

A newborn baby girl arrived in the family of my friend. But this newborn baby girl acquired viral meningitis and was now in the ICU. My friend asked if I would give her new granddaughter a remote Qigong medical treatment. I said yes and  prepared for the treatment.. I projected my spiritual self to the baby’s bedside and brought along my spiritual treatment guides and specialists. When I arrived at the isolette, however,  I was surprised to see this new baby girl’s  soul standing on the floor looking at her body in the isolette. From my prior experiences, when I see a soul outside the body it usually means this person is in a coma. Also, this new baby’s soul that I saw standing there was a young lady - not a newborn baby. This was because her soul was much older than this baby’s body. 

I then began to converse with her, telling her who we were and why we were here. She made a comment that this illness was totally unexpected and not something she planned for.  She indicated that this was jeopardizing the kind of life she planned for. She couldn’t experience her life plan if she had a physical body with neurological problems. I then realized she was still in the process of moving into that new physical body and was now deciding if she wanted to stay and live in that body, or not.

My “team” of spiritual healers conversed directly with her and  informed her as to what she should do when she got back into her body to eliminate this risk. They told her it would be like flipping a switch on some identified “codes’ and by doing this, it would solve this potential problem. The obstacle she was facing could be removed.

She then vanished! She had gone back into her physical  body. She must have flipped those appropriate switches because I now could sense things changed and the medical problem was now solved. 

Shortly after this, I received word the baby was out of the ICU and the Dr. said the problem was resolved. I came away from this experience with a new awareness of how involved a soul can be in assuring their physical body is right for their life journey. 

When Pre-Incarnation Plans Don’t Match Reality

Of course, sometimes what we hoped to experience in our life journey doesn’t quite work out like how we anticipated or expected. I have a friend who hasn’t been able to get through some of the downward cycles in her life. She is often filled with despair or depression. The Qigong treatments I have given her have been like a bandaid than a real fix. 

I had a dream about her situation which seemed to help me understand WHY she continued the same cycle over and over again and couldn’t quite make any permanent changes to help improve her situation. The information came in a dream that was very detailed. 

In this dream I was chatting with her and she started to talk about her former incarnation; it was a life she enjoyed. She had been a man in that life with thick dark black hair. He was very handsome. He was a party boy and was well loved by others, anyway, that is what she told me in this dream. She then described how handsome he looked and how his hair was just perfect. This seemed to be the validation of how well loved he had been because of the attention placed on him when he died.  

In my dream’s mind, I could see him. He was wealthy and was buying drinks for others who enjoyed this type of attention. I could see he had died rather young; in his thirties, and his family could afford this attention in his death.  

As she continued to share her last life experience in this dream message, I could see all of this play out in my mind. It helped me understand why she was so unhappy in this life. She wanted a repeat of her last life, but this time as a woman. She wanted to be cute, adored, be surrounded by beautiful people, and have money.  She did not have ambition, but expected things to just happen and fall into her lap.  Her personality was very similar to what she had in her last life, but in this life, being female, the results turned out very differently.

The dream then ended. When I woke up I now was more aware of what the root cause of her despair and depression was - she expected a carefree charmed life of being adored with no effort and as a result, was continually disappointed with everyone and everything. I shared this dream experience with her and she said it felt true. This must have resulted in a new awareness within her as I saw her become more engaged in life rather than just sitting back and waiting for life to just happen to her. 

Having Multiple Incarnations With the Same Goal

Sometimes you will choose a type of incarnation that seems to continue with the same story but is now set in a different and more advanced period of time. It will be similar to what you have already lived or experienced, but now has been carried forward to tap in and use the enhanced tools available in a new era. 

For example, one of the souls I now know lived a previous lifetime around Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. In that incarnation he and his friend set up a new communication method that used smoke signals to send out messages. Later, when he and his friend were ready to reincarnate to this more modern era, they both continued with this desire to improve communicating over vast spaces. He reincarnated and became the inventor of the telephone; Alexander Graham Bell. His friend from that former Native American life experience near Chaco Canyon created the Morse Code and telegraph system in this more modern era. He was Samuel Morse. 


You are here for a reason. You are here to have some new experiences. You are here to learn, grow, progress which often means we need to deal with and maneuver around negative experiences, barriers, and obstacles that are put on our path. Burning off and paying off some karmic debts are most likely also included in your list of “things to do and achieve”. 

In addition, you are also here to have and enjoy many positive experiences as well - feelings of love, joy, pleasure, and those moments of awe, wonder, and insight are part of your “to do'' list as well. It will be these types of feelings that will keep you engaged and motivated to continue the journey. 

Understanding your life purpose can help you better navigate your life course or at least give you an understanding why or how to navigate your journey. You come with a personal toolkit that is yours alone; your thoughts, desires, and feelings. You need to tune in and pay attention to these. You will start to see patterns or get an awareness as to which thoughts, feelings, and desires keep repeating and prompting you to go in certain directions or prompt you to make new choices. 

The final thing in your toolkit is your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is part of your spiritual energetic self but located on the Higher Self plane on the astral. You can think of it as where all your personal data resides from each and every incarnation you have ever had. In this spiritual realm of “you” is where your warehouse of knowledge is located. Connecting and communing with your Higher Self will give you a much broader perspective as to who and what you are about, and why.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Q&A with a Spiritual Guide About the Beginnings, Who We Are, Where We Are Going, and Why

When I first started to interact and converse with my Spiritual Guide and Teacher, John U.K., I wanted answers to questions that had puzzled me from the teachings and beliefs I had been taught from the religion and culture where I grew up. We seemed to finally settle into a type of rhythm during these sessions, where I asked a question or two about some topic, John U.K. would give me his answer, and then we would move on to the topics John U.K. came to teach me about - such as the different types of spiritual energy and how to use and interact it with it.

In this interaction, for example, I wanted to get John U.K.'s input on what I call "the big picture" - how did we began, where are we going, and who are we. These are the answers John U.K. shared with me, and they have held up and served as a good foundation of understanding for me in my life journey of expanding my consciousness and awareness.

The Beginnings

How did we begin? 

"In the beginning there was dust, atoms, gas, the Tao. As the species evolved over the millions of years of development, the intellect of each descending species increased and therefore the capacity for abstract thought also increased. At some point of development, the species felt a necessity to perhaps bring order to the chaos they lived in along with a guiding principle of concept that would protect and give direction. And the Tao was everything. 


In order for the TAO to broaden its experience, it decided to create this earth's existence and divide itself upon it. The purpose was to gain the greatest diversity of experience. In order for the Tao to learn, progress, and grow, the Tao chose to break into smaller pieces. We call these smaller pieces “fragments” of the Tao. Some of these fragments are us. You are a fragment of the Tao. The earth is also one of those fragments, so the earth is a fragment of the Tao. The Tao is the total gathering of information, knowledge, wisdom, energy, etc. It is the sum of all existence, both what you can sense and that which you have no concept of. It is everything that is."

Fragmentation was done to increase the number and types of experiences possible. Some of those fragmented pieces are the sun, stars, and earth. Some of those fragmented pieces are us. We are a fragment of the Tao. 

The Return Back to the Tao

Each fragment will eventually  recombine back with the Tao once it has completed all its learning, growing, and progressing. All the fragmented parts will return back to the whole. This process allows the Tao to continually  learn, grow, and progress from each fragmented part that is essentially on a journey towards expanded consciousness and enlightenment. When each fragment completes that task of becoming more enlightened, it also changes the Tao to an even more expanded consciousness, too.  The whole process is a continuous movement and flow of growing awareness and experience.

Layers of the Tao to Mark Progression

Sometime in this process, different levels of energy and experience were set up to assist in the growth and learning for all these fragments. These became known as the layers of the Tao. In the book “Messages from Michael,” seven different levels are referenced 

  1. Physical Plane (earth)

  2. Astral Plane (heaven). This includes different planes, including the Higher Self plane as well as the "post incarnation plane" where we go after we physically die.

  3. Mid-causal Plane

  4. Causal Plane

  5. Transcendental Plane

  6. Ethereal Plane

  7. Tao Level

These different levels of the Tao provide a type of road map each of us will journey through as we return back to the Tao. As we go through each of one these levels, we continue learning, growing, and progressing but in a different type of environment than the one we just left.  For example, when we advance to the mid-causal plane, each fragment will go through a process to join with two other fragments and become a triad - a combined set of three fragments who now act as one. This type of shared dynamic will add a new level of complexity in the process of growing, learning, and progressing.  

For me, I think and visualize the process of moving through these different levels of the Tao  as if it were a type of video game. We begin at the first level and stay there until we complete all the tasks and overcome all the hurdles. We move to the next level based on this achievement, or because we found a key or portal from which we can now go to the next level. On the next level, we again find ourselves in a new environment, have different rules, and have new challenges we overcome and learn from. This journey repeats itself until we get to the final level of the game - level seven - the Tao. 

This process of movement forward (progression) continues until the fragments have rejoined the Tao in an enlightened status or there is a change being done within the Tao and the WHOLE becomes a changed energy of enlightenment. 

After this, I assume there is either another fragmentation process that creates enlightened fragments OR the Tao joins perhaps another Tao. The point I’m making is that the process of learning, growing, and progressing is continuous. There is not an end point. Change, flow, and the movement to learn, grow, and progress are continual.

Who We Are

When we first fragmented from the Tao, we were spirit. Our spirit then was united with a physical body when a baby was born. A spirit can visit the physical body during the development time of a pregnancy, but it is not "infused"' into the physical body usually shortly after the birth.  We then are a combination of both physical elements and our spiritual being. Our spiritual self  brings with it our core personality, as well as embedded energies of certain desires that essentially like the internal code to drive and connect us to our personal life purpose and plan.To read this 'embedded code' we will need to learn how to sense, interpret, and understand its subtle, invisible messages that are in that 'embedded code'. This means we need to learn to get in touch with our feelings, our desires, impressions, and our thoughts. This is how these subtle messages that came embedded in our spiritual selves are communicated and shared with us.

Before We are Born

When we have selected the new body being created for us on the earth, we need a place to store that folder from our former life on earth. We do this on the Higher Self plane. The Higher Self plane works similar to a data cloud - a place to house and store our folders from all our other incarnations. This is also where we can store a copy of the plans we have for this upcoming incarnation. Our Higher Self will know what we want to accomplish out of this upcoming life - what we want to learn, who we want to be with, and why. There will be a type of “wi-fi” connection where we CAN access those 'files' should we want to. We CAN interact with this file system - our Higher Self if we want to. Our Higher Self CAN also interact with us and also send us messages as well. 

We continue with this incarnation process, then return to the astral plane and evaluate and assess what we need to experience next time around, as much as we feel is necessary. We also have opportunities to just stay on the astral plane and grow and learn there as well, as there are at least seven different layers on the astral plane to experience. 

Eventually, when we have grown, learned, and progressed as much as we can on the physical plane, and the astral plane, we start having experiences on the mid-causal plane. There will be a period of moving back and forth between the astral plane and the mid-causal plane, similar to how we experienced life on the physical-astral plane, until we are ready to just dedicate and focus on the mid-causal experience.

When We Die

When we die, our body stays on the earth but our spiritual body goes to the astral plane. Our spiritual self carries with it the information as to what we learned, felt, desired, and experienced. We also bring our karmic debts we may have acquired.

On the astral plane, we can review this information/data and assess and evaluate our earthly experience. We also learn more about selves in this review and will eventually determine new learning and life experiences we desire, along with the types and amounts of karmic debts we will need to pay or rebalance. Then, when we are ready, we can begin to make new arrangements to reincarnate back on the earth and prepare for those new experiences.

What Happens After We Die

When a person dies, the body and the spirit separate. The body stays with the physical earth and the spirit returns to the astral plane and is debriefed. At death, those who expect a heaven or a hell, experience such. The soul can be greeted by other souls who are also deceased. The greeting party is often people the person knew on earth and come to welcome back the person who just died. But if the newly deceased person died expecting nothing, they will see and experience nothing for a period of time. For those who expect a heaven or a hell, they will also have that expected experience. But after the person experiences what they expected, they will encounter a debriefing that can help them acclimate back to being home - aka the astral plane

What do Souls do on the astral plane 

John U.K. said, “life on the astral plane is similar to what it is like on the physical plane, but spiritual. Souls interact with each other, communicate with each other, travel, socialize, have fun, experiment, develop new ideas, plan, learn, grow, love, have astral sex, etc. When a soul is ready for another physical incarnation (because they want to learn something new, bring a new idea to the world, experience what it would be like growing up in a different country, be a different gender, try a life with a different sexual orientation, experience a life partnered with a soul mate, be the parent of a certain soul, or perhaps repay some karmic debts acquired from previous incarnations, etc.) the soul will then start to plan and prepare for their next incarnation.  This is the cycle of life: a process of living, having experiences, learning, growing, loving, feeling, dying, then, eventually living again but now a bit more experienced and wiser.”


“Upon death, the soul will return and combine back to your Higher Self, adding a new layer to the Higher Self. It is that most recent layer of life experience that is now how you mostly project yourself on the astral plane.  For example, if you were “Sally Smith” in the 1600s, but in the 1800s you were “Joe Blow”, you will most likely display most of yourself as “Joe Blow” on the astral plane because it was your most recent incarnation.”

A soul can project different ages or stages of their last life in the image they display. (If they died when they were 80 years old, they may project themselves as 30 years of age, for example, on the astral. Or if they died at 3 months of age, they may project themselves as 18 years old on the astral).”

“The process of incarnating, living, growing, making our own decisions, and then dying, happens over and over, with each incarnation giving each of us new opportunities to develop knowledge, wisdom, and insight. But does this process ever end? “

“Eventually the fragment has learned and experienced all they set out to do and then the fragment combines with another fragment, becoming a duo – a combined fragment with another fragment. This combined duo fragment then continues with their progression and combines with a trio, etc., and in this process the fragment joins with other fragments experiencing life in and through a myriad of levels. Eventually, they recollect back to the Tao, having a very diverse set of things they learned and experienced in this vast journey.

The idea of joining with other fragments in this process of progression gave me new insights about the phrase “we are all connected”. We start off as being one with the Tao, then fragment, live a series of incarnations, and at some point, all recombine into one energy – the Tao. At that point, the Tao really has learned and experienced everything that it originally desired.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

How to Learn, Grow, and Expand Your Awareness and Consciousness

This was from a discussion I had with a Spiritual Guide about the process of learning, growing, and expanding one's knowledge and consciousness. This was the advice he shared with me.

“Learning to sense, interpret, and understand your feelings is a good place to begin. Then focus on your thoughts and what you are thinking and how you are reasoning and understanding your thoughts. Learning to accept the knowledge and wisdom that would come forth on its own is a good way to start opening your mind and thoughts to new ideas, concepts, and understanding.

The process of learning and growing are done through observation and awareness. Thoughts and information will come and pop into your head rather randomly and that awareness will grow as new information is uncovered and taken in. Thoughts are energy. The information in the thought then becomes absorbed within you and your energetic self. It becomes imprinted and becomes a part of you. It can grow, expand depending on how much focus and attention you give it. This is the same process that is used with dream messages. And in meditations. Actually, this is the same process for all information. It becomes knowledge when it becomes more fully developed, or expanded, or connected to other ideas and thoughts. It becomes an insight when the energy of truth connects with it and it then becomes "clear and vibrant." 

Also, learn to be aware. Pay attention and notice things. Notice the visuals. Notice the colors. Notice the smells, sounds, textures, tastes, etc. Notice the energy and the different feelings and thoughts that begin and where it takes you. This is the action and movement of an expanding consciousness.  

There is much, much, more to learn and develop. Ponder the things that have come to you but you haven’t yet explored. Perhaps you have dismissed them as being impossible, or made up, or even make believe. Do not create or put up barriers in this quest of expanding your consciousness and awareness. Be open to all ideas and awareness because  there is much, much more beyond the limitations to what is in the current day book of knowledge. Do not limit yourself to the laws you only know or believe. There is so much more - much, much much more."

Friday, December 9, 2022

A Conversation with a Spiritual Guide About Current Events

This is from a recent conversation I had with a Spiritual Guide about the chaos and churn we are are currently experiencing in the world. I asked him, Why we are still having all this chaos and churn?

His response, "There have been times like this in the past - the Holocaust, the witch burning, the Crusades - a frenzy of emotion and fear sweeping over a group of people who then kill, plunder, and do what they like. You are living through one of those moments where you have a tremendous megaphone in your society inciting anger, hate, fear, and a desire to expunge, purge, kill, and remove others who do not feel the same, or act the same, or look the same. The outcome of this frenzy will be similar to what happened in prior eras of uncontrolled rage. It is like a fire that can not be controlled but will eventually burn out. Yes, lives will be lost. Property taken or demolished. Not in the places you may expect because chaos easily moves and flows in unexpected directions. 

The removal of Trump as its leader has not stopped or curtailed the movement, correct? Having him be placed in a permanent position of leading this group will not matter and may not be the expected outcome, but churn and upturn of the foundation will be. When things finally settle down it may be due to exhaustion or not having enough fuel in this movement to continue. But in this process of churn, new leaders within the opposition to this rage will not only emerge, but will be strengthened. This process of burning down all those structures that allowed and encouraged such destruction and the demolishing of the country's foundation will allow new seeds to come forward. 

The things the original America believed in - like justice, equality, civil liberties, fairness, everyone having a voice - those things will be seen as being still valuable and will be nurtured to grow and develop. We anticipate the hatred and anger, conspiracies created by many (such as many men and the white supremacists) will be like embers that will finally be put out to end this chain of events. 

Your question as to why this is still happening is because that uncontrolled rage and expansion still needs to take over and dominate everything else so we can get it over with and extinguish those languishing embers that have been still in play for centuries. We can then move on with a new era and with a new canvas, with leaders that have emerged from these battles and now know we can trust and accept them. 

The process for helping a person choose is often done through the help by seeing what we don’t want. Most people do not want to be ruled by paranoia, fear, hate, suppression, anger and rules that only apply to the rich and powerful.This era you find yourself is the years where people are presented with two strong options and choice as to who they are and how they want to live. 

Peer pressure is very much in play here, but because people will often follow the crowd they find themselves in, they will also be given windows of opportunity to make choices for themselves. Many will opt to stay in that current and flow of staying in a group, but will eventually learn a lesson they need to have - we each make our own choice and live with that consequence.

This swirl of negative energy will end when it has run out of fuel and/or is no longer needed to prepare a new canvas for a new story about humanity."

Is the Shialude Energy helping this, I ask? 

"Notice how the swirl seems to be fed by individuals rather than leaders. This individual approach rather than a top down approach is represented by a different mantra being used that was not present in previous societal upheavals. The ability to disseminate this hate, anger, fear, conspiracies is much enhanced in the era you are living in, so the spread is faster, but it still would require willing participants to fuel the flames and keep them alive. Eventually this will burn out. How long? Maybe months, but most likely years. Not decades or centuries like it has been in the past. This is more intense and deeper, which means quicker in it becoming over.

The results of this intense chaos and change, we believe, is that the garbage people continue to cling to about race, wealth, power, control, religion, politics, and prejudices will, for the most part, be changed or at least softened. There will be new and different concerns emerge that are currently unforeseen, but the Tao desires different experiences, so the seeds as to what creates the push and pull between people will most likely be different from what was pervasive in your society. 

This new era is, and will be, very different. Trying to solve problems based on old behaviors and concepts will no longer work. New ways of thinking and solving problems will be needed.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

An Experience in a Group Meditation to Empower Women that was Enhanced Due to the Shialude Energy

We are now in a new era we call 'The Awakening'. It is happening because we have a new spiritual energy called the Shialude that was bestowed upon the world. This subtle energy makes it easier to connect, access, and communicate with the nonphysical realm (such as heaven and the Tao) and interact with spiritual beings, such as Spiritual Guides and one's Higher Self. 

During a recent group meditation, I saw how this new subtle energy of the Shialude changed the entire meditation experience. This meditation included mostly women from diverse backgrounds and locations, but all with a desire to empower and embolden women. In fact the purpose of this meditation was to strengthen women’s connection and support for each other with a focus of total acceptance and love. 

As we prepared for this shared group meditation experience, each person would begin their meditation and then energetically connect with this meditative circle. The final woman to connect and “plug into our meditative circle” was an Aboriginal woman from Australia. As soon as she joined the group, the meditation automatically and immediately changed. We were now all visually and audibly "one" and found ourselves immersed in what appeared to be someone's dream.  I started to recognize it as something I read long ago in a book titled “Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan, which had originally been shared as a real life experience, then later recounted to be fiction, and then recounted again as something "in between" real and unreal.

What I now saw is that this had been the author experience within a DREAM, and a part of this dream state was now being shared in our meditation! Dreams and mediations sometimes can be so detailed and real they sometimes can seem as if they really happened in the physical world. Ms Morgan's dream must have been one of those types of experiences, and now, we were being allowed to observe and participate in her dream experience! Wow!  

The story portion that our meditative group was observing was where the author, Marlo Morgan, was on a walk-about in Australia with an Aboriginal group who now needed water. Ms Morgan was informed she now was ready to take on the responsibility of finding them all water. Ms Morgan couldn’t believe she was being assigned this task; she was WHITE, she was FEMALE, she was AMERICAN, and an AUTHOR. She had no skills for camping, hunting, gathering or even survival. She refused. But the leader of the tribe informed her that the whole tribe was willing to accept their fate (death) if she continued to refuse this assignment. They were putting all their trust in her. All of it.

Finally, Ms Morgan agreed. I felt an energy shift then occur. She had accepted the decision and now had to complete the task. It was at this time I became aware that this was the type of unwavering support we hoped that all women would feel from other women - that even in the face of horrific obstacles, there is a cheering section of people who will always cheer you on and support you no matter what.  We wanted to create strength and unity in this group meditation, and it felt to me that we were doing this as we continued observing and witnessing Ms. Morgan's dream state.

We then sensed Ms. Morgan’s going deep within herself as if she was trying to find a solution. I personally seem to feel her find he strength of will to locate and find a kind of key to unlock something deep within her. I now could see that exact moment of change happen inside her. It as if she took a leap of faith across a deep chasm and was now becoming her true self. 

The group meditation ended and I sat and pondered what I had just experienced. We as a group had just tapped into a person’s DREAM state and experienced how the energy of love, support, and trust can be used to help a person unlock their true inner self.  During this process of observation and participation in this dream state, it seemed to me were creating a similar type of energy in this meditation, and then sent it out into the world. It seemed the sharing of this dream helped us focus our attention to create the vibe we needed and desired to be part of this world. 

I later realized this experience could happen because of this new Shialude energy we now have available and this experience was demonstrating how it opens us up to expand our consciousness and awareness in a new ways.