Friday, December 30, 2022

You Are Here For a Reason

If you are alive on this planet, you are here for a reason. Before you were born, you thought about, and probably planned the type of experiences you wanted to have. This resulted in a type of matching process between your soul and an upcoming body being created; a baby. In other words, the reason you have the gender you have, or your parents, or the environment you have are all interwoven into the life experience you desired and what you hoped to achieve or experience. 

Your life purpose won’t be the same as anyone else. You will also have multiple reasons  and purposes, and they may change over your lifetime. However, the major reason for any of us to be here is because of the Tao’s  (God, Goddess, All that Is, The Source, Higher Power,  etc.) desire to learn, grow, progress, understand, gain insight. The Tao fragmented to produce an infinite number of possibilities that could be experienced and it was this fragmentation that created us - our souls. We essentially are embedded with this overall mission - to have experiences we have never had before. This results in an almost innate inner compulsion to take you in directions that will help you create a life that can expand your experiences, knowledge, understanding, and insights.

Before you were born, you created a plan of what you wanted to experience in this incarnation. You had desires and then matched those desires with the type of life that could give you those types of experiences, growth, learning, or progression.   You chose your body type, your gender, race, socio-economic situation, your parents, physical traits, personality overleaves, etc. All of these were factored into this life experience based on the probability to provide you with the type of life experiences you desired. This doesn’t mean you will have an easy life journey or that everything you planned for or hope to happen will occur as planned. It means you planned a life to have purpose and meaning with desired outcomes of growth, development, experience, knowledge, and insight. It means there is a meaning behind why you are here.

The Tao allows both positive and negative energy in our lives because these opposing forces provide humanity with the ability to learn and grow in very different ways.  Therefore, the Tao, in its wisdom, devised mechanisms that would skew the experiences more towards the positive aspect because positive energies are what promotes and propels us forward. Positive energy is derived from positive experiences and really is the source of life itself, so rather than positive and negative energy being equal and balanced the Tao produces more positive experiences over negative experiences. Our souls will seek ways or sources to create those more positive energy or positive experiences. 

But of course, real life is going to be a bit different from what we expected or hoped for when we were planning our incarnation. There are a lot of unplanned events that happen on this planet that can interfere with our hopes and dreams - an illness, a death, a relocation, a loss of a job, etc. Life happens. Plans often need to be changed or reprioritized. 

Let me share some experiences that seem to reflect how often what we plan for may not be how things turn out. Or how they help us to find ways to overcome those unplanned or uncharted hurdles. 

The Newborn Deciding if This Physical Body is Still a Good Match

A newborn baby girl arrived in the family of my friend. But this newborn baby girl acquired viral meningitis and was now in the ICU. My friend asked if I would give her new granddaughter a remote Qigong medical treatment. I said yes and  prepared for the treatment.. I projected my spiritual self to the baby’s bedside and brought along my spiritual treatment guides and specialists. When I arrived at the isolette, however,  I was surprised to see this new baby girl’s  soul standing on the floor looking at her body in the isolette. From my prior experiences, when I see a soul outside the body it usually means this person is in a coma. Also, this new baby’s soul that I saw standing there was a young lady - not a newborn baby. This was because her soul was much older than this baby’s body. 

I then began to converse with her, telling her who we were and why we were here. She made a comment that this illness was totally unexpected and not something she planned for.  She indicated that this was jeopardizing the kind of life she planned for. She couldn’t experience her life plan if she had a physical body with neurological problems. I then realized she was still in the process of moving into that new physical body and was now deciding if she wanted to stay and live in that body, or not.

My “team” of spiritual healers conversed directly with her and  informed her as to what she should do when she got back into her body to eliminate this risk. They told her it would be like flipping a switch on some identified “codes’ and by doing this, it would solve this potential problem. The obstacle she was facing could be removed.

She then vanished! She had gone back into her physical  body. She must have flipped those appropriate switches because I now could sense things changed and the medical problem was now solved. 

Shortly after this, I received word the baby was out of the ICU and the Dr. said the problem was resolved. I came away from this experience with a new awareness of how involved a soul can be in assuring their physical body is right for their life journey. 

When Pre-Incarnation Plans Don’t Match Reality

Of course, sometimes what we hoped to experience in our life journey doesn’t quite work out like how we anticipated or expected. I have a friend who hasn’t been able to get through some of the downward cycles in her life. She is often filled with despair or depression. The Qigong treatments I have given her have been like a bandaid than a real fix. 

I had a dream about her situation which seemed to help me understand WHY she continued the same cycle over and over again and couldn’t quite make any permanent changes to help improve her situation. The information came in a dream that was very detailed. 

In this dream I was chatting with her and she started to talk about her former incarnation; it was a life she enjoyed. She had been a man in that life with thick dark black hair. He was very handsome. He was a party boy and was well loved by others, anyway, that is what she told me in this dream. She then described how handsome he looked and how his hair was just perfect. This seemed to be the validation of how well loved he had been because of the attention placed on him when he died.  

In my dream’s mind, I could see him. He was wealthy and was buying drinks for others who enjoyed this type of attention. I could see he had died rather young; in his thirties, and his family could afford this attention in his death.  

As she continued to share her last life experience in this dream message, I could see all of this play out in my mind. It helped me understand why she was so unhappy in this life. She wanted a repeat of her last life, but this time as a woman. She wanted to be cute, adored, be surrounded by beautiful people, and have money.  She did not have ambition, but expected things to just happen and fall into her lap.  Her personality was very similar to what she had in her last life, but in this life, being female, the results turned out very differently.

The dream then ended. When I woke up I now was more aware of what the root cause of her despair and depression was - she expected a carefree charmed life of being adored with no effort and as a result, was continually disappointed with everyone and everything. I shared this dream experience with her and she said it felt true. This must have resulted in a new awareness within her as I saw her become more engaged in life rather than just sitting back and waiting for life to just happen to her. 

Having Multiple Incarnations With the Same Goal

Sometimes you will choose a type of incarnation that seems to continue with the same story but is now set in a different and more advanced period of time. It will be similar to what you have already lived or experienced, but now has been carried forward to tap in and use the enhanced tools available in a new era. 

For example, one of the souls I now know lived a previous lifetime around Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. In that incarnation he and his friend set up a new communication method that used smoke signals to send out messages. Later, when he and his friend were ready to reincarnate to this more modern era, they both continued with this desire to improve communicating over vast spaces. He reincarnated and became the inventor of the telephone; Alexander Graham Bell. His friend from that former Native American life experience near Chaco Canyon created the Morse Code and telegraph system in this more modern era. He was Samuel Morse. 


You are here for a reason. You are here to have some new experiences. You are here to learn, grow, progress which often means we need to deal with and maneuver around negative experiences, barriers, and obstacles that are put on our path. Burning off and paying off some karmic debts are most likely also included in your list of “things to do and achieve”. 

In addition, you are also here to have and enjoy many positive experiences as well - feelings of love, joy, pleasure, and those moments of awe, wonder, and insight are part of your “to do'' list as well. It will be these types of feelings that will keep you engaged and motivated to continue the journey. 

Understanding your life purpose can help you better navigate your life course or at least give you an understanding why or how to navigate your journey. You come with a personal toolkit that is yours alone; your thoughts, desires, and feelings. You need to tune in and pay attention to these. You will start to see patterns or get an awareness as to which thoughts, feelings, and desires keep repeating and prompting you to go in certain directions or prompt you to make new choices. 

The final thing in your toolkit is your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is part of your spiritual energetic self but located on the Higher Self plane on the astral. You can think of it as where all your personal data resides from each and every incarnation you have ever had. In this spiritual realm of “you” is where your warehouse of knowledge is located. Connecting and communing with your Higher Self will give you a much broader perspective as to who and what you are about, and why.

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