When I first started to interact and converse with my Spiritual Guide and Teacher, John U.K., I wanted answers to questions that had puzzled me from the teachings and beliefs I had been taught from the religion and culture where I grew up. We seemed to finally settle into a type of rhythm during these sessions, where I asked a question or two about some topic, John U.K. would give me his answer, and then we would move on to the topics John U.K. came to teach me about - such as the different types of spiritual energy and how to use and interact it with it.
In this interaction, for example, I wanted to get John U.K.'s input on what I call "the big picture" - how did we began, where are we going, and who are we. These are the answers John U.K. shared with me, and they have held up and served as a good foundation of understanding for me in my life journey of expanding my consciousness and awareness.
The Beginnings
How did we begin?
"In the beginning there was dust, atoms, gas, the Tao. As the species evolved over the millions of years of development, the intellect of each descending species increased and therefore the capacity for abstract thought also increased. At some point of development, the species felt a necessity to perhaps bring order to the chaos they lived in along with a guiding principle of concept that would protect and give direction. And the Tao was everything.
In order for the TAO to broaden its experience, it decided to create this earth's existence and divide itself upon it. The purpose was to gain the greatest diversity of experience. In order for the Tao to learn, progress, and grow, the Tao chose to break into smaller pieces. We call these smaller pieces “fragments” of the Tao. Some of these fragments are us. You are a fragment of the Tao. The earth is also one of those fragments, so the earth is a fragment of the Tao. The Tao is the total gathering of information, knowledge, wisdom, energy, etc. It is the sum of all existence, both what you can sense and that which you have no concept of. It is everything that is."
Fragmentation was done to increase the number and types of experiences possible. Some of those fragmented pieces are the sun, stars, and earth. Some of those fragmented pieces are us. We are a fragment of the Tao.
The Return Back to the Tao
Each fragment will eventually recombine back with the Tao once it has completed all its learning, growing, and progressing. All the fragmented parts will return back to the whole. This process allows the Tao to continually learn, grow, and progress from each fragmented part that is essentially on a journey towards expanded consciousness and enlightenment. When each fragment completes that task of becoming more enlightened, it also changes the Tao to an even more expanded consciousness, too. The whole process is a continuous movement and flow of growing awareness and experience.
Layers of the Tao to Mark Progression
Sometime in this process, different levels of energy and experience were set up to assist in the growth and learning for all these fragments. These became known as the layers of the Tao. In the book “Messages from Michael,” seven different levels are referenced
Physical Plane (earth)
Astral Plane (heaven). This includes different planes, including the Higher Self plane as well as the "post incarnation plane" where we go after we physically die.
Mid-causal Plane
Causal Plane
Transcendental Plane
Ethereal Plane
Tao Level
These different levels of the Tao provide a type of road map each of us will journey through as we return back to the Tao. As we go through each of one these levels, we continue learning, growing, and progressing but in a different type of environment than the one we just left. For example, when we advance to the mid-causal plane, each fragment will go through a process to join with two other fragments and become a triad - a combined set of three fragments who now act as one. This type of shared dynamic will add a new level of complexity in the process of growing, learning, and progressing.
For me, I think and visualize the process of moving through these different levels of the Tao as if it were a type of video game. We begin at the first level and stay there until we complete all the tasks and overcome all the hurdles. We move to the next level based on this achievement, or because we found a key or portal from which we can now go to the next level. On the next level, we again find ourselves in a new environment, have different rules, and have new challenges we overcome and learn from. This journey repeats itself until we get to the final level of the game - level seven - the Tao.
This process of movement forward (progression) continues until the fragments have rejoined the Tao in an enlightened status or there is a change being done within the Tao and the WHOLE becomes a changed energy of enlightenment.
After this, I assume there is either another fragmentation process that creates enlightened fragments OR the Tao joins perhaps another Tao. The point I’m making is that the process of learning, growing, and progressing is continuous. There is not an end point. Change, flow, and the movement to learn, grow, and progress are continual.
Who We Are
When we first fragmented from the Tao, we were spirit. Our spirit then was united with a physical body when a baby was born. A spirit can visit the physical body during the development time of a pregnancy, but it is not "infused"' into the physical body usually shortly after the birth. We then are a combination of both physical elements and our spiritual being. Our spiritual self brings with it our core personality, as well as embedded energies of certain desires that essentially like the internal code to drive and connect us to our personal life purpose and plan.To read this 'embedded code' we will need to learn how to sense, interpret, and understand its subtle, invisible messages that are in that 'embedded code'. This means we need to learn to get in touch with our feelings, our desires, impressions, and our thoughts. This is how these subtle messages that came embedded in our spiritual selves are communicated and shared with us.
Before We are Born
When we have selected the new body being created for us on the earth, we need a place to store that folder from our former life on earth. We do this on the Higher Self plane. The Higher Self plane works similar to a data cloud - a place to house and store our folders from all our other incarnations. This is also where we can store a copy of the plans we have for this upcoming incarnation. Our Higher Self will know what we want to accomplish out of this upcoming life - what we want to learn, who we want to be with, and why. There will be a type of “wi-fi” connection where we CAN access those 'files' should we want to. We CAN interact with this file system - our Higher Self if we want to. Our Higher Self CAN also interact with us and also send us messages as well.
We continue with this incarnation process, then return to the astral plane and evaluate and assess what we need to experience next time around, as much as we feel is necessary. We also have opportunities to just stay on the astral plane and grow and learn there as well, as there are at least seven different layers on the astral plane to experience.
Eventually, when we have grown, learned, and progressed as much as we can on the physical plane, and the astral plane, we start having experiences on the mid-causal plane. There will be a period of moving back and forth between the astral plane and the mid-causal plane, similar to how we experienced life on the physical-astral plane, until we are ready to just dedicate and focus on the mid-causal experience.
When We Die
When we die, our body stays on the earth but our spiritual body goes to the astral plane. Our spiritual self carries with it the information as to what we learned, felt, desired, and experienced. We also bring our karmic debts we may have acquired.
On the astral plane, we can review this information/data and assess and evaluate our earthly experience. We also learn more about selves in this review and will eventually determine new learning and life experiences we desire, along with the types and amounts of karmic debts we will need to pay or rebalance. Then, when we are ready, we can begin to make new arrangements to reincarnate back on the earth and prepare for those new experiences.
What Happens After We Die
When a person dies, the body and the spirit separate. The body stays with the physical earth and the spirit returns to the astral plane and is debriefed. At death, those who expect a heaven or a hell, experience such. The soul can be greeted by other souls who are also deceased. The greeting party is often people the person knew on earth and come to welcome back the person who just died. But if the newly deceased person died expecting nothing, they will see and experience nothing for a period of time. For those who expect a heaven or a hell, they will also have that expected experience. But after the person experiences what they expected, they will encounter a debriefing that can help them acclimate back to being home - aka the astral plane
What do Souls do on the astral plane
John U.K. said, “life on the astral plane is similar to what it is like on the physical plane, but spiritual. Souls interact with each other, communicate with each other, travel, socialize, have fun, experiment, develop new ideas, plan, learn, grow, love, have astral sex, etc. When a soul is ready for another physical incarnation (because they want to learn something new, bring a new idea to the world, experience what it would be like growing up in a different country, be a different gender, try a life with a different sexual orientation, experience a life partnered with a soul mate, be the parent of a certain soul, or perhaps repay some karmic debts acquired from previous incarnations, etc.) the soul will then start to plan and prepare for their next incarnation. This is the cycle of life: a process of living, having experiences, learning, growing, loving, feeling, dying, then, eventually living again but now a bit more experienced and wiser.”
“Upon death, the soul will return and combine back to your Higher Self, adding a new layer to the Higher Self. It is that most recent layer of life experience that is now how you mostly project yourself on the astral plane. For example, if you were “Sally Smith” in the 1600s, but in the 1800s you were “Joe Blow”, you will most likely display most of yourself as “Joe Blow” on the astral plane because it was your most recent incarnation.”
“A soul can project different ages or stages of their last life in the image they display. (If they died when they were 80 years old, they may project themselves as 30 years of age, for example, on the astral. Or if they died at 3 months of age, they may project themselves as 18 years old on the astral).”
“The process of incarnating, living, growing, making our own decisions, and then dying, happens over and over, with each incarnation giving each of us new opportunities to develop knowledge, wisdom, and insight. But does this process ever end? “
“Eventually the fragment has learned and experienced all they set out to do and then the fragment combines with another fragment, becoming a duo – a combined fragment with another fragment. This combined duo fragment then continues with their progression and combines with a trio, etc., and in this process the fragment joins with other fragments experiencing life in and through a myriad of levels. Eventually, they recollect back to the Tao, having a very diverse set of things they learned and experienced in this vast journey.
The idea of joining with other fragments in this process of progression gave me new insights about the phrase “we are all connected”. We start off as being one with the Tao, then fragment, live a series of incarnations, and at some point, all recombine into one energy – the Tao. At that point, the Tao really has learned and experienced everything that it originally desired.
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