Saturday, December 17, 2022

How to Learn, Grow, and Expand Your Awareness and Consciousness

This was from a discussion I had with a Spiritual Guide about the process of learning, growing, and expanding one's knowledge and consciousness. This was the advice he shared with me.

“Learning to sense, interpret, and understand your feelings is a good place to begin. Then focus on your thoughts and what you are thinking and how you are reasoning and understanding your thoughts. Learning to accept the knowledge and wisdom that would come forth on its own is a good way to start opening your mind and thoughts to new ideas, concepts, and understanding.

The process of learning and growing are done through observation and awareness. Thoughts and information will come and pop into your head rather randomly and that awareness will grow as new information is uncovered and taken in. Thoughts are energy. The information in the thought then becomes absorbed within you and your energetic self. It becomes imprinted and becomes a part of you. It can grow, expand depending on how much focus and attention you give it. This is the same process that is used with dream messages. And in meditations. Actually, this is the same process for all information. It becomes knowledge when it becomes more fully developed, or expanded, or connected to other ideas and thoughts. It becomes an insight when the energy of truth connects with it and it then becomes "clear and vibrant." 

Also, learn to be aware. Pay attention and notice things. Notice the visuals. Notice the colors. Notice the smells, sounds, textures, tastes, etc. Notice the energy and the different feelings and thoughts that begin and where it takes you. This is the action and movement of an expanding consciousness.  

There is much, much, more to learn and develop. Ponder the things that have come to you but you haven’t yet explored. Perhaps you have dismissed them as being impossible, or made up, or even make believe. Do not create or put up barriers in this quest of expanding your consciousness and awareness. Be open to all ideas and awareness because  there is much, much more beyond the limitations to what is in the current day book of knowledge. Do not limit yourself to the laws you only know or believe. There is so much more - much, much much more."

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