In the 1990’s, humanity received a gift of new energy known as the Shialude. The result of this energy is the means for humanity to expand consciousness and awareness in every way. One of these ways provides more ease in being able to project one’s energetic self to go deeper and further in the Tao. Before the Shialude energy was shared with humanity, projecting and visiting other levels of the Tao was pretty much confined to primarily the astral plane. But now we can access additional planes of the Tao.
My mental construct of the Tao is based on the book “Messages from Michael” by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. In this model there are 7+ levels with the Tao and movement and advancement from one level to the next is a path of progression and growth.
This energetic model of different levels and vibrations of the Tao is also similar to the model of the 7+ chakras within our spiritual body. Since we are a fragment of the Tao, we are also a microcosm of the Tao, so it makes sense that we would have a similar conceptual model as the Tao. This mental construct of different levels with a path of growth and change has been the framework I've been using to conceptualize where I visit and interact with Spiritual Beings throughout the Tao.
Over the years I have been projecting my energetic self to meet and converse with different spiritual beings - often not knowing where I am during these visits. Sometimes I will have a guide, but most of the time I don't. Needless to say, my methodology has been mostly a kind of trial and error approach. Occasionally I have had experiences I didn't expect and was totally unprepared for. This would require me to use my Qigong skills to direct protective energy and push potential threats away from me due to my fear or lack of understanding. I concluded I needed more guidance and help as I went deeper and further into the Tao levels.
A spiritual being I call “The Microbiologist” offered two Spiritual Guides to assist me in my quest to explore the Metaphysical Tao; Ian and Rhonda.
I met the Microbiologist when I was doing a Qigong healing on my very first cancer patient. He just showed up next to me. My client was laying down on the treatment table and I was standing over her. The Microbiologist, a very tall spiritual being, was now standing next to me. I immediately knew he was here to help with this treatment. His presence immediately calmed me and I now felt more confident this treatment would be successful. He then took my hands in his and enveloped my hands with loving energy. I was overcome with a sensation of love and support. He then guided my hands to the places in her body with cancer and seemed to "will or encourage" those cells to come into my hands and be scooped out of her body. This was such a dramatic lesson on the power of love as well as respecting the cancer cells to want to leave her body.
Now, this same spiritual being, the Microbiologist, was providing me a new way to continue my learnings and growth. I now had two spiritual guides to help me explore the metaphysical/spiritual side of the Tao.
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