Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Feedback on the Chaos and Changes We Are Going Through

A new spiritual energy spark has been shared with us and it  is now with humanity. It is called the Shialude energy. This energy will indeed help humanity to more easily connect with their spiritual self…their Higher Self and their Spiritual Guides, to obtain information about their life purpose.  It is like going from dial-up to the fastest internet connection available.  This is the most remarkable change that has happened in humanity’s existence!  This is no small thing. This will change the dynamics and interactions on the entire planet. This is what is many call "The Awakening" - it is when humanity wakes up and realizes who they really are.  

When you meditate, you may be able to feel a change in your energy.  This is something to pay attention to.  You will also also notice a change in events happening in the world…changes of institutions and power tumbling.  Part of this is due to merging timelines, but some are due to the change of energy.  Truth is being exposed, almost as if the grass has been pulled pack and underneath you can now see the underbelly of what you thought was nice and clean.  

This process of upheaval is necessary for the new growth in this new phase of humanity’s development to take root and grow.  The new growth is about personal empowerment…a power shift to the individual.  The underbelly and scandals in churches (including he biggest church in the world, the Catholic Church, along with Evangelical Churches, the Mormon Church, etc.) have opened up new awareness.  The most powerful communication empire, Murdoch corporation, is likewise being exposed for failures in honesty, integrity, and breaches. Governments in the middle east are toppling and new ones will emerge, change, and eventually focus on personal empowerment, integrity, truth, safety, security, education, growth, stability…these are the seeds that will take root and flourish. Perhaps not immediately and perhaps not in your lifetime, but the seeds are there and are being nourished and growing.  

In the USA, the Freedom Caucus, a right-wing break-off group of the Republican Party, is having a great deal of influence over the party. This is a symbol of the times….the powerful having splinter groups that take on the former power brokers. This will happen again and again as more of the mighty tumble. This allows new growth and new ideas to take root and grow.  It is the way humanity learns, grows, and develops.  This is a natural process in many ways.  In other ways, it is also a very chaotic and challenging process.

You should not fear this; just be aware this is a necessary process. for growth and change. You can notice the images and events of this turnover - large organizations crumbling and new ones being initiated.  It is similar to the life process…birth, growth, maturity, decay, instability, crumble, new growth.  It is a cycle of change.  Some of the cycle will seem like humanity is stepping backwards, but for the most part, it is a process of development and maturity.  This chaos is part of the process for the next level in humanity’s growth and development.

Be aware humanity is not alone and not having to go through all of this on there own. There are caretakers of humanity that are helping to assure life and growth continues. Humanity and the planet will continue. Let me repeat - humanity and the planet earth will continue to live, grow, and develop. AND will be able to achieve and experience even greater levels of an expanded consciousness and awareness. Remarkable, really. Absolutely remarkable.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Tap in and Use Your Higher Self - Your Personal Spiritual Resource and Guide

The most important thing you can do in your life is to tap in and use your personal spiritual resources. What are these personal spiritual resources? It can include such things as feelings, thoughts, intention, focus, desires, perspective, awareness, etc.  But the greatest spiritual resource of all is to connect with and use your Higher Self.

Everyone has a Higher Self (*unless this is your very first incarnation). Your Higher Self is the total “you” from every single incarnation you have had. Your Higher Self is located on the astral plane (on the Higher Self Plane of the Astral Plane) but each one has a direct connection to their new self located on the physical plane (earth). 

Your Higher Self knows and understands everything about you and what and why things are happening in your life. You can learn how to connect and communicate directly with your Higher Self, and with that type of connection, you can get the feedback, understanding, and awareness regarding events and situations going on in your life.  You can get guidance, encouragement, as well as this new awareness. This can make a huge difference in how you see your life and events unfolding around you and perhaps even some validation regarding your hidden desires you may not have yet acted upon. 

Being able to have a two-way direct communication channel to your Higher Self can really improve your life experience. Understanding your life purpose is really the greatest gift you can have and it is worthy of making the effort to develop this connection and communication method. 

What a resource your Higher Self can be!  Tapping into your personal spiritual resource will provide you a wealth of information and understanding about your life purpose. It undoubtedly will help you improve your life.

Monday, November 21, 2022

A New World is Under Way

A new era is emerging and demanding new ways to bring people together. But when will it get better? When will we see a change of direction?

There are seeds of this happening now, but what the media is showing you is the bright shiny objects - the former President and his minions. This drama fuels even more angst, hatred, despair, and news. It is a cycle that is difficult to break - people are hooked on the anxiety and wondering what will he do next? The reality show soap opera has the former President as the constant star. Meanwhile,  the world burns and still, the soap opera is where the focus and attention remains. It is like a new drug, is it not? Perpetual drama and entertainment while the world disappears.

Where attention goes, energy flows.  Attention to the shiny object and drama is where the intention is - until something happens to someone personally and forces them to look elsewhere - like a catastrophe - illness, loss of job, loss of income, death, losing a home, a broken relationship, divorce, no school for the kids… All of these are currently in play so now there is more pause and more people being forced to refocus. It is often in the depths of pain and despair where the phoenix is born, which is the stage that many are now in - that step of transformation.

A new era is emerging and demanding new ways to bring people together. So does this mean Trump will continue to stoke and fan the flames of more drama and fire? We believe he will, but society is now tiring of the story or are wanting to change the channel. But it is their choice - and they are reaching that decision based on their own feelings, rather than any manipulation.

There will be a point of exhaustion and a desire to end the drama. It may or may not be at the time of election, but we believe it may. Especially if Trump continues the intensity of putting gasoline on the fires, if you will, which is what he tends to do. He continually is looking for a bigger bang and more focus on him, which means each day he needs to outdo the day before. 

Let’s chat about the change in scenery after Trump is no longer in the spotlight in the role of a President. Yes, people will quickly and easily get bored with Biden, but creating and rebuilding are not that interesting. BUT, attention will be placed on tapping into resources and ideas that are currently not prominent. These new seeds and solutions will start to be welcome, and it will be these ideas and methods that will eventually become the new shiny objects and interests - new ideas and new awareness. Energy and enthusiasm will be towards different solutions. We anticipate seeing new choices being made. We also see Trump losing much of his base.  

The hard work will now begin - creating a society that expands freedoms to more people as well as allows creative solutions to come forward. The new fruit can now be exposed, and the old shells of the past will turn in. The stake in the ground now can be seen. A new world is under way.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Personal Empowerment of Humanity

When a person goes through a personal crisis, they are forced into a crossroad where they have to decide to either pull themselves up, or not. In a way, it is like finding yourself in a pit. At first, there is an expectation you will be rescued. Then, following a more detailed assessment of what is happening, you discover the pit has no bottom and there is no rescue. You are faced with a decision - do nothing or try to stop the fall. If you decide to stop the fall, you once again are faced with another decision and choice; do nothing or find a way out of this pit. 

This is the process of growth - you make a difficult decision, you make a choice, you act or change. This is also the process to wake up. There is an awareness, a decision, an action. The process will be filled with little tiny steps but it is movement from one type of thinking (or being) and moving to a different type of thinking or being.  This is the process of personal empowerment; you take ownership and choose to make the changes you need and want in your life.

Humanity is now in a new phase of development and it is about personal empowerment. Humanity is becoming more aware there is no one coming to rescue. If they want a better world, they need to figure out how to stop the fall, stop blaming others, own the problem, make some tough decisions, and act. 

This is the evolutionary step Humanity is now in- we are being empowered, and expected, to work together to address our global problems. Collectively, we are at the point in our development that each of us needs to be a good and active partner in this collective of life on this planet. We can no longer ignore our responsibility in this matter.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Meditation Experience of Seeing the Whole

During a meditation I climbed up a thread and way up there were a couple of my mates. They joined me in continuing to climb up this thread. At the end of this thread it looked like a spiral of energy, similar to what I see when I do iChing readings. I climbed through the center of this swirl and stood. I now saw it was not flat, but a huge ball of energy. I then started to converse with this energy, I suppose via telepathy. The energy was just energy - not in any type of form at all. I looked out and could now see that ALL of these other Tao's were connected to THIS source. I could see that each Tao had come from this source. I could also now see what the Harmonies meant by "the other side of the Tao" - they were on the other side of OUR Tao, but there was a SOURCE TAO, from which all of us were connected. 

I could also see how our Tao impacted other Tao's - similar to how in Acupuncture you can impact an organ, such as the Kidneys, by rubbing the bottom of the foot. We are all connected, and the failures in humanity on our earth were impacting them - hence, their desire to help us, because it also helped them. 

I could also see that progression meant returning to the Tao, and then, you are whole, but become a Tao yourself. You then spawn off fragments so you can learn and grown, but also the fragments can learn & grow. 

The cycle of life. Always, the cycle, and recycling of life. I now could see the WHOLE. It was like seeing a map of the world, and I now could see where I was in this map. I could also see it light up like a kundalini with all the other Tao's! Things were balanced and flowing in unison. THIS is what had been hoped. THIS was that moment I desired to have to better understand the whole.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Time of Personal Awareness and Self Empowerment

We are living in a time of great upheaval and change. For awhile there was some uncertainty as to what the outcome would be. But now we can be assured that the new path humanity chose is the better outcome for us all. 

Many will have an awareness that getting to “here” was exactly what was needed for us to wake up, choose, engage, and change.  Because of these choices and engagement,  the path of creating this better world we desire will not take centuries, but just decades. Overall, things will improve everywhere. Our grandchildren will live in a better world than what is available right now.  

What does that new or changed world look like? It is one that will allow us all to be more self-aware and self empowered. There will be - and is - an  awareness of the interconnection of humanity and the interconnection with all life in this world we are building.  This self-awareness will provide the ability to see that interconnection and invisible web that is called life. This awareness will help us to gain a new respect for each other, the planet, and other life forms as well.

What do we need to do? Now is the time to for us all to understand who we are, our potential, and what we can be and do with this power that each of us has - our thoughts, focus, intention - are all part of our personal energetic power. The potential to improve our lives and experiences has become magnified.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Lesson on How to Become, Blend, Impact, and Move the Energy Field of Another Object

The lesson is about how to become and blend, and then how to impact, transform, and move that energy field of  another object.   It is a form of command projection. And transference. This is sometimes called psychokinesis. It is similar to the concept of Yoda teaching Luke Skywalker to Size is not important. The object is not important. The lesson is about how to impact and move that energy field of the other object. 

The principles of using energy for transforming are the same for objects big and small.  It is also similar when you use them with living matter, except the ability to enter through a person's Qi (chi) field is dependent upon the energy of that field and the barrier of protection surrounding that person. Some people are more vulnerable than others but most everyone has a barrier of protection that can not be penetrated without being allowed entrance. It is the primary source of a spirit’s protection within a physical body.  

This is a skill that can be developed but it first requires you have successfully removed your expectations and changed your perspective (see blogposts Change Your Perspective and Change Your Expectations). These inner changes essentially allow you to become your pure essence which then can allow you to connect and “become” the energy of what you want to become, blend, impact, or move. This can then allow you to use, direct, and manage energy differently than when you have the colors, spots, or baggage that is created and becomes embedded in you from those  various expectations an perceptions.  

It is at this stage and this point when you can connect, merge/be/become another object of energy and move your focus and thoughts to being part of that other object.  It is an energy sharing, if you will, and being without “form” and without “expectations” allows that more pure connection.  It is at this point when command projection can be used more effectively because you have become the object. You can then change and move “yourself”.  

You don’t need to fear the use of this tool and ability to manipulate or use this on something or someone that doesn’t want you to manipulate it.  You can influence something, but if the person is resistive, they will resist and will not allow you entrance into their energy layer.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Change Your Expectations

We often have expectations of ourselves as well as others. When these are not met, or not completed to our liking, we can be disappointed, hurt, angry, frustrated, etc. If we dwell on those disappointments it can create a type of filter as to how we view and interact in certain settings, or with different people and situations. It is as if this filter we have created from those expectations now determines what messages or opportunities, or spiritual experiences will or will not get through. 

You have the opportunity to discover the pure essence of who you are if you allow all of these cultural ties and expectations to be released. You can discover who you really are and who you can be without any baggage, commitments, or expectations. That purity will be allowed to emerge. 

When this happens, your pure true self comes forward and you will essentially 'find yourself staring back at you' as was recorded in the book 'Dune'. 

It is such a rare opportunity for a person to be able to allow the binds of rules and behaviors to wither away, but when it occurs, in its place you will find a new world. You really will.  

So what is the importance of this? Because it allows you to see things differently, and as such, it allows you to connect and “become”, which can allow you to use, direct, and manage energy differently than when you have the colors, spots, or baggage with various expectations.  It is at this stage and this point when you can connect, merge/be/become another object of energy and move your focus and thoughts to being part of that other object.  It is an energy sharing, if you will, and being without “form” and without “expectations” allows that more pure connection.  It is at this point when command projection can be used more effectively because you have become the object. You can then change and move “yourself”.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Change Your Perspective

If you are feeling frustrated or stuck in an environment that seems to feed despair, angst, or frustration, try changing your perspective and see how things can change based on a different point of view. For example, if you are in school and find yourself feeling trapped or trying to find excuses not to attend, try seeing it as a form of play rather than work. Also, focus on the objective of why you are going to school, which is mostly about introducing you to other people and ideas, changing how you think, feel, and interacting in a new environment.  

The same can be said about a job or work. Recognize it is not a battleground of winning and losing, which is how most see it, but that it is just a place you all come together, work, and then leave, and get paid so you can support the lifestyle you have become accustomed to. 

Changing your perspective can facilitate the removal of walls that keep you in a state of angst or feeling trapped. This change can then allow your feelings and thoughts to modify and soften helping you to be more open to receive more subtle spiritual messages. such as thoughts, prompts, impressions, perceptions, etc. It is a way to keep that door of spiritual communication open and your inner self tuned to receive and be available.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Lesson on Taking Notice of the Receiving Process in Thoughts, Impressions, Perceptions

As your ability to receive subtle messages of communication from the spiritual realm improves, and your awareness to these prompts and messages also improves, the next step is to focus more attention (and notice) on the receiving of those messages. You will start to see how this will, and can change the course of your life. 

Notice the impact of how your life is right now. this will help you later make comparisons as how paying attention to these subtle messages will help you change the course of your life  It is as if you open a new door and are now in a new world. Noticing the "before and after" is an important concept. 

This is what happened to me when I started to pay attention to this subtle messaging process. At the time ,I was working full time and going to Chinese Medicine School at night and weekends. I was concerned about school and lacked that desire to study. I beat myself up about having no motivation. I was tired, lethargic, and filled with despair of where and why I was in this position.

I also dreaded going to work…the thought of being immersed in that negative atmosphere at the office added to my burden of how I felt. In addition I felt like I had lost control…I was overwhelmed with obligations between meetings at work, a feeling I was not meeting others expectations in my role as a manager, then a staff member had given notice and that ‘failure seed’ started to grow in my mind. I was not in a good space. 

But then a simple image of an ant hill came into my mind. The ant was in the dirt, plowing away at tasks that no one notices or sees or cares about. I then saw the ant leave to go to another ant hill and was now repeating the same process he just left. 

I recognized a similarity…one ant hill was work, another was school. I was doing the same thing in both mounds of dirt.  I was spending my focus and energy in the dirt and it was leading nowhere but developing new tunnels to more dead ends. 

That image made a change in my focus. It was an awareness. Plans to learn from a new ant hill were no longer serving me. I had been assigned the worker ant role and that is not the role I needed, or deserved, or desired.  So I made a change. I didn't want or need to be an acupuncturist; my desire was to learn about healing energy, which was through Qigong. 

This image of the ant hill and its message was something I was able to receive and accept. I then quickly acted on that message immediately.  Immediately!  The change was almost instantaneous.  I didn’t have to ponder and choose. I didn’t have to make a list of pros and cons. I acted. This, too, was something different, too; the immediacy of changing course.

Why was this different?  The message and then my change of direction happened in a matter of moments. I received an image…a concept….I deciphered the message….acted on the message…I changed my path. This was remarkable. In moments, a life changing event occurred in a blink of an eye.

What I am pointing out is this change of direction, which was so subtle or could be seen as subtle, was in fact huge. This is part of that energy - that spiritual energy of communication and connection - thought, perceptions, and impressions.  

Being able to fine tune your course, and as a result, the course of events to follow, with a very innocuous event is what can occur when you focus attention on your thoughts and impressions. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Focus on Impressions and Perceptions

Having you focus on impressions and perceptions and tuning into that energy will be part of where you should focus your attention, especially if you want to tap into having more spiritual experiences, or receiving guidance, or having the ability to heal, or to develop any spiritual gift. Your ability will improve in receiving impressions, thoughts, and even our conversations as you focus and accept these subtle methods of communication.

That connection between us (spiritual guides) will become stronger and “shorter”.  It is as if I am right there with you…which is true; I am.  Even though you don’t physically see me, you will be able  to “hear” me and recognize my presence. This is a validation of that new energy that is becoming a part of you. Actually, it is more of an awareness of the energy’s presence. But this is an outcome of that awareness…being more tuned in to that frequency of communication.

This ability to receive impressions and perceptions will increase when you focus on this and accept the message. It is similar to exercising a muscle to help it develop and strengthen.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Spiritual Growth is Usually an Independent Process

There is so much possibility right now, to unlock the doors of hidden treasures of spiritual gifts, insights, new awareness, and expansions of consciousness. This ability to unlock those doors are within each and every person on the planet.  As more and more people find those keys, imagine the change that will happen in this next millennium.  Religions that use suppression and control, for example, will crumble as more people migrate to discover their own inner light and power. 

A person’s spiritual growth is usually an independent process. A person can be introduced to ideas and techniques through word of mouth, classes, books, and even in a group collective of sorts, but the growth and expansion of energy, insight, ideas, and wisdom is an independent journey. In this new era of self empowerment energy that is now upon the earth, it is more important, or will become more important, for people to learn how to be aware of their spiritual self and energy, learn how to partner with that energy, and develop the ability to focus on guiding and using that energy as well as being sensitive to the outcomes the energy brings them…such as knowledge, expansion, and even physical changes they will see as miracles.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A Meditation to Help You Learn to Focus and Visualize

This is a meditation given to me by “The Harmony’s”who are caretakers of Humanity. This meditation helps nourish the body, mind, and spirit, as well as helps an individual learn to visualize.  Having the mind become active in this awareness of energy opens the door to understanding for that individual. That door of understanding allows more insight into their mind.  As more insight is allowed in, a person will be able to start getting rid of concepts and limitations that keep them from expanding their consciousness and keeping them as a prisoner to archaic ideas of conformity. This is a meditation they recommended as a good place to begin that inward change. 

We began in a standing meditation.

Visualize yourself as if you are like a tree with roots going into the ground.

Now visualize a new energetic layer, being a candle, that can reach toward the heavens.

Now visualize a new energetic layer, being a candle, that can reach toward the heavens.

Now, have the energy of the heavens pour into you from the head, but without gravity, filling another cavity of energy within your body.

And then visualize the energy of the earth flowing up and into that same cavity.

We began in a standing meditation.

Visualizing you are like a tree with roots into the ground.

The energies of the heavens and the earth mix together and now notice the chakras as if they were being nourished by both of these energies.

Now, focus on the energetic levels of the organs. You will nourish each organ system to help your health and wellness. 

Focus your thoughts on your kidneys to nourish the energy batteries of your body. Then focus on nourish the bladder and sexual organs. Now the skeletal system. 

Then direct your focus to nourish and support your liver, gallbladder, and eyes. 

Once you feel this is complete, then move to focus on directing nourishment and support to the heart and circulatory system. 

Now add supportive energetic nourishment to the small intestine, the brain the nervous system.

Focus next on nourishing your spleen, stomach, muscles, and mouth.

Next, redirect your thoughts to provide support and nourishment to your lungs, then colon, and the skin. 

Then focus your thoughts to view and see yourself as a whole being that is fit and healthy, etc

What I saw when I did this meditation was the energetic layers within me were all now being filled, nourished, and had been replenished. I was revitalized.

When I completed this meditation, I felt good. I felt balanced.