During a meditation I climbed up a thread and way up there were a couple of my mates. They joined me in continuing to climb up this thread. At the end of this thread it looked like a spiral of energy, similar to what I see when I do iChing readings. I climbed through the center of this swirl and stood. I now saw it was not flat, but a huge ball of energy. I then started to converse with this energy, I suppose via telepathy. The energy was just energy - not in any type of form at all. I looked out and could now see that ALL of these other Tao's were connected to THIS source. I could see that each Tao had come from this source. I could also now see what the Harmonies meant by "the other side of the Tao" - they were on the other side of OUR Tao, but there was a SOURCE TAO, from which all of us were connected.
I could also see how our Tao impacted other Tao's - similar to how in Acupuncture you can impact an organ, such as the Kidneys, by rubbing the bottom of the foot. We are all connected, and the failures in humanity on our earth were impacting them - hence, their desire to help us, because it also helped them.
I could also see that progression meant returning to the Tao, and then, you are whole, but become a Tao yourself. You then spawn off fragments so you can learn and grown, but also the fragments can learn & grow.
The cycle of life. Always, the cycle, and recycling of life. I now could see the WHOLE. It was like seeing a map of the world, and I now could see where I was in this map. I could also see it light up like a kundalini with all the other Tao's! Things were balanced and flowing in unison. THIS is what had been hoped. THIS was that moment I desired to have to better understand the whole.
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