Saturday, November 12, 2022

Lesson on How to Become, Blend, Impact, and Move the Energy Field of Another Object

The lesson is about how to become and blend, and then how to impact, transform, and move that energy field of  another object.   It is a form of command projection. And transference. This is sometimes called psychokinesis. It is similar to the concept of Yoda teaching Luke Skywalker to Size is not important. The object is not important. The lesson is about how to impact and move that energy field of the other object. 

The principles of using energy for transforming are the same for objects big and small.  It is also similar when you use them with living matter, except the ability to enter through a person's Qi (chi) field is dependent upon the energy of that field and the barrier of protection surrounding that person. Some people are more vulnerable than others but most everyone has a barrier of protection that can not be penetrated without being allowed entrance. It is the primary source of a spirit’s protection within a physical body.  

This is a skill that can be developed but it first requires you have successfully removed your expectations and changed your perspective (see blogposts Change Your Perspective and Change Your Expectations). These inner changes essentially allow you to become your pure essence which then can allow you to connect and “become” the energy of what you want to become, blend, impact, or move. This can then allow you to use, direct, and manage energy differently than when you have the colors, spots, or baggage that is created and becomes embedded in you from those  various expectations an perceptions.  

It is at this stage and this point when you can connect, merge/be/become another object of energy and move your focus and thoughts to being part of that other object.  It is an energy sharing, if you will, and being without “form” and without “expectations” allows that more pure connection.  It is at this point when command projection can be used more effectively because you have become the object. You can then change and move “yourself”.  

You don’t need to fear the use of this tool and ability to manipulate or use this on something or someone that doesn’t want you to manipulate it.  You can influence something, but if the person is resistive, they will resist and will not allow you entrance into their energy layer.

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