We often have expectations of ourselves as well as others. When these are not met, or not completed to our liking, we can be disappointed, hurt, angry, frustrated, etc. If we dwell on those disappointments it can create a type of filter as to how we view and interact in certain settings, or with different people and situations. It is as if this filter we have created from those expectations now determines what messages or opportunities, or spiritual experiences will or will not get through.
You have the opportunity to discover the pure essence of who you are if you allow all of these cultural ties and expectations to be released. You can discover who you really are and who you can be without any baggage, commitments, or expectations. That purity will be allowed to emerge.
When this happens, your pure true self comes forward and you will essentially 'find yourself staring back at you' as was recorded in the book 'Dune'.
It is such a rare opportunity for a person to be able to allow the binds of rules and behaviors to wither away, but when it occurs, in its place you will find a new world. You really will.
So what is the importance of this? Because it allows you to see things differently, and as such, it allows you to connect and “become”, which can allow you to use, direct, and manage energy differently than when you have the colors, spots, or baggage with various expectations. It is at this stage and this point when you can connect, merge/be/become another object of energy and move your focus and thoughts to being part of that other object. It is an energy sharing, if you will, and being without “form” and without “expectations” allows that more pure connection. It is at this point when command projection can be used more effectively because you have become the object. You can then change and move “yourself”.
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