Sunday, November 6, 2022

Focus on Impressions and Perceptions

Having you focus on impressions and perceptions and tuning into that energy will be part of where you should focus your attention, especially if you want to tap into having more spiritual experiences, or receiving guidance, or having the ability to heal, or to develop any spiritual gift. Your ability will improve in receiving impressions, thoughts, and even our conversations as you focus and accept these subtle methods of communication.

That connection between us (spiritual guides) will become stronger and “shorter”.  It is as if I am right there with you…which is true; I am.  Even though you don’t physically see me, you will be able  to “hear” me and recognize my presence. This is a validation of that new energy that is becoming a part of you. Actually, it is more of an awareness of the energy’s presence. But this is an outcome of that awareness…being more tuned in to that frequency of communication.

This ability to receive impressions and perceptions will increase when you focus on this and accept the message. It is similar to exercising a muscle to help it develop and strengthen.

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