Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Being the Object You are Moving

Many years ago I was trained by John U.K., a Spiritual Being who became my teacher. He taught me about spiritual energies of the chakras along with tools to help me connect and use those energies for spiritual activities. Some of those activities include astral projection, dream interpretation, and past life regression. 

One of the lessons John U.K. gave me has continued to elude me - it is the skill of telekinesis. This is the ability to use your mental focused thoughts to move physical objects. 

An exercise John U.K. suggested as a way to develop this ability was to use my “circle of circles” that was hanging from the ceiling, and concentrate and send out energies of thought to move the inner circles into different positions. I never got the hang of this, but continue to have the “circle of circle” hanging from my ceiling. It is a reminder about how there are still many skills yet to develop and explore.

I had other teachers who also taught me about other types of spiritual energies and how to work and use them, too. Some of them were healers and taught me about directing healing energy; Qi (chi) and showed me how to move, redirect, purge Qi to change the dynamics of a disease. During some of my healing treatment sessions, some of these Spiritual healers who join in my Qigong healing activity. Some would assist me, and when this happened I witnessed some things I never anticipated, such as eliminating tumors or even changing the DNA sequences at a cellular level. I was in awe and asked to be schooled in these new techniques.

"You can begin with objects…such as your circle of rainbows." I was advised. "This will be a good point to start practicing." 

Oh no, I thought. I haven't yet developed this skill since learning about it during my training with John U.K.!

"It is a form of command projection, which is the skill you learned from John U.K.  We call this skill  Psychokinesis - it is the blending and being the object you are moving or transforming. The principles involve using energy for transforming."

He continued, "You connect, merge/be/become another object of energy and move your focus and thoughts to being part of that other object.  It is an energy sharing, if you will, and being without “form” and without “expectations” allows that more pure connection.  It is at this point when command projection can be used more effectively because you have become the object. You can then change and move “yourself’. "

"The objects may be big or small; size is not important. You can use this process on objects as well as living matter. But with living matter, you also need to be able to enter through their protective field of Qi, which is dependent upon the energy of that field and the barrier of protection surrounding that individual. This is why we begin with a nonliving object. This is a skill you can develop. It will take practice."

In summary, I have new lessons and skills to develop where I become the object I want to change, transform, or move. It's going to take more practice. 

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