Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Invisible Shaking of Hands in Healing Activities

Long ago I had heard of a fellow Medical Qigong Therapist who would ask her client to "meet her at the organ system she was treating" and then together they would work to heal the disease. I found this concept rather intriguing and wondered how this would work and if I could also do this with my own patients. At one of my next Qigong treatments I asked my patient to "meet me at her liver and together we would begin to work on healing this organ".  I sat in silence and waited for her thoughts to come to me within her liver, and after several seconds, I felt a change happen. I then "visually saw and felt" her invisible hands reaching out to my invisible hands within her liver. 

I was a bit stunned this worked, but it did.  We were now joined together and could begin to work together to heal her organ. 

Since that experience long ago my focus has changed to include humanity-type healing activities around the globe. My recent focus was to use sound and songs to send out the focused desires of love, connection, harmony - those positive attributes we need more of in the world. As part of this process, I have received subtle messages and guidance as to what songs to use in these types of meditations. In one of those messages, the song given to me was "The Only Living Boy in New York" by Paul Simon. I was rather surprised and assumed it was letting me know to target just New York rather than all of humanity. But when I heard the chorus "Here I Am", the whole meditation changed.  I suddenly had a visual of willing souls around the globe opening up and being HERE and ready to join with me to share these positive thoughts, desires, and energies.  (See blogpost).

I knew it was just like the experience I had with my Qigong patient long ago, when I asked her to meet me at her liver and then felt and saw her reaching out with an invisible hand to shake my invisible hand.  This experience with Paul Simon's song was letting me know that those who were ready and wanted to participate in this global humanity healing effort were here and ready to participate. This was like the hand shake hand in that former Qigong medical treatment but now on a world stage. There was a sense of empowerment and change in this moment. 

For me, this was also an example of the expansion of awareness and consciousness that is part of this new era. This is the time in humanity's progress where we become more aware and experience new levels of consciousness and empowerment. This was one of those ways the awareness of humanity's expanding consciousness and empowerment as already being in play was made aware to me.  

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