Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Going Within to Get Your Answers and Inner Guidance

Years ago I was taught an important lesson by my spiritual teacher, John U.K. I had been struggling with lack of direction, along with feelings and thoughts that were not part of my religious upbringing. I think I was looking for a new set of rules and structure, along with a new tribe. At that time, one of the more popular spiritual teachers and writers was a man named Ram Dass. His books were bestsellers and society was a buzz with this new age guru. I read one of his books and had high hopes. After all, he had broad support, was a best selling author, and there was lots of chatter everywhere about this man. But after immersing myself between those book covers, I came away with a sense of emptiness and started doubting my assessment and experience with what I read.  I wondered what I got wrong or what I didn’t see that everyone else saw or experienced. 

I discussed this with John U.K., my spiritual guide. He advised me to listen to my feelings rather than the white noise of others. He said my feelings were the real truth. All that emptiness, lack of trust, and confusion was serving as my answer. All of this was telling me "no". John U.K. said the public support was essentially “groupthink”, but my inner self was giving me my personal answer and guidance. 

THIS was a lesson that stuck with me. The lesson became an awareness to TRUST ONE’s OWN  IMPRESSIONS AND FEELINGS and to IGNORE the GROUP NOISE. I was to trust my inner feelings and personal truth and use that to forge my own life path and direction.

Ignoring the group noise is not easy. We are programmed with a desire to be accepted and included into the group or tribe. But learning how to get personal guidance and direction is one of the key lessons one needs to learn and develop in order to connect with one's life purpose. This is how one discovers their reason for being. 

We are living in the era of chaos, upheaval, and change. We will be faced and confronted with even more choices and paths in this era. Now is the time each of must develop the skill and ability to go within ourselves and listen to our inner voice. We each need to block out the “white noise” around us and turn inward to get the guidance we need. 

Seek answers from within. Learn to navigate your self compass thought your feelings, thoughts, and impressions. You can develop a clear messaging process with your inner voice which will help you stay on course. The more you exercise and use this "subtle muscle", the more confidence you will gain in knowing your decisions are aligned with your life purpose and taking you in the right direction you need.

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