You are composed of a physical and an energetic body. Your energy body consists of the soul, the chakras, and the Higher Self. We typically conceptualize the chakras as circular points of light that are similar to a rainbow and fixed closely along the spine.
- The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and is usually depicted by the color red.
- The second chakra is located near the sexual organs and above the first chakra. It is depicted by the color orange.
- The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and is depicted by the color yellow.
- The fourth chakra is located at the center of the chest, near the heart, and is depicted by the color green.
- The fifth chakra is located near the throat and is depicted by the color blue.
- The sixth chakra is located between and slightly above the eyes and is sometimes called the “third eye.” It is often depicted with the color purple.
- The seventh chakra is located at the top of the head and is usually depicted by either the color indigo or white.
Spiritual Energies Associated with Each Chakra
The energies of the lower chakras (point one, two, and three) are more “physical” in nature, and perhaps more tactile than the upper chakra points (five, six, and seven). For example, you ground through the first chakra, and the other two are close to the earth point and deal with bodily functions, but also spiritual ones. The energies of the upper chakras are more mental, ethereal, and spiritual.
The chakra points are balanced and aligned, even though there are an odd number of chakras. There are three upper chakras and three lower chakras. The fourth chakra is neutral and relates to the heart and to the energy of love. Love is the center concept to existence.Love is the energy of the Tao and connects and holds all the Tao together as one.
These are the types of spiritual energies associated with each chakra:
First Chakra—Spiritual Energy of Sensing
The spiritual energy associated with the first chakra is related to sensing and connecting. This is how we receive input to interpret our environment. It is also the force that helps us connect to other energetic forces, such as the earth and to other life forces (people, places, animals, etc.). This is the chakra energy that helps us ground or stay rooted and connected with the earth, for example. This is the spiritual energy that helps us sense another person’s essence or true nature. This is the spiritual energy we use to connect with our environment, tribe, or community.
The spiritual development tool that is most closely associated with cultivating this type of spiritual energy is food. In part it is because food comes from the earth and food is our connection to the earth. We use our senses (smell, taste, touch, visuals) to interact with food and it connects and becomes a part of all our senses. This process of interacting as well as consuming food is a way of partaking of the earth’s energy.
Second Chakra—Spiritual Energy of Truth
The second chakra is associated with the energy of truth. The core of truth is creativity. The core of creativity is the ability to create. Sex is the core of creation. This means that the spiritual development tool that helps us cultivate truth is through sex. But the caveat to create truth through sex requires the presence of love for that person. Sex alone won’t cultivate the energy of truth unless it is enveloped in love.
Third Chakra—Energy of Time (Past Regression and Future Sensing)
The spiritual energy associated with the third chakra is associated with time. It includes the ability regress to the past or to sense the future. The manner in which we interpret and respond to this spiritual energy is through our emotions and feelings. Being able to tune into your feelings and understand your emotions, as well as control your feelings will be a necessary skill should you decide to develop skills where you work with the energy of time.
The way to cultivate this spiritual energy within you is done through the use of sound. Some people can cultivate this energy through chanting, or drumming, or through music. Different types of vibrations can be used to help one’s spiritual energetic self not only improve or balance their emotions, but also can be used to help them work in "time". Regressing to the past, sensing the future, or visiting parallel timelines are activities that can be experienced by you and developed with this chakra energy.
Fourth Chakra—Energy of Love
The fourth chakra’s spiritual energy is associated with the energy of love, harmony, balance, and change. The energies associated with this chakra are associated with love in all forms: the ability to love yourself, your partner, family, friends, humankind; all life. The spiritual energies associated with this chakra are about transformation. We call this spiritual gift “ command projection” because it can create change in many forms. The act of healing, for example, is a transformational act and is associated with this chakra energy.
The tool used to cultivate this chakra energy is color. Using different colors or lights of color can be used to augment any of the chakra. It can also be used to change any of the chakras, too. Using colors of pure light and even different combinations of color can be a very powerful tool to change one’s spiritual energies.
Fifth Chakra—Energy of Communication
The fifth chakra’s spiritual energy is associated with communication. Communication takes many different forms.This energy is used to communicate with other people, but is also used to interact and communicate with your Higher Self. It is also used to help you communicate with spiritual Beings who may be serving as a Guide for you. In addition, this energy is also used for your inner communication, such as what happens in dreams, promptings, impressions, and meditation.
The spiritual development tool most closely associated with cultivating this energy is the use of rituals. Rituals are a way that uses our mind, body, and spirit in a story, metaphor, or convey a message that is felt as well as experienced. Rituals are a broad form of communication that engages our entire being, and because of this, it is a tool to help improve the quality of our communication energy of the fifth chakra.
Sixth Chakra—Energy of Knowing
The sixth chakra’s spiritual energy is associated with awareness, gaining insight, and knowing with absolute surety. It is the energy from this chakra that helps us gain awareness and understanding. The process one’s spiritual self uses to gain more awareness and understanding is usually through connecting and interacting with other planes of the Tao. One’s spiritual self typically learns to use the energy of the 6th chakra by learning how to project ones energetic self to the astral plane. After that is master, visiting other layers of the Tao (or beyond) can also be achieved.
The spiritual development tool most closely associated with cultivating this type of spiritual energy is with meditation. Meditation allows the mind to focus, clarify intent, or even wander. Knowledge is an acquisition into the mind and uses the energy of knowing.
Seventh Chakra—Energy of Integration
The spiritual energy of the seventh chakra is associated with the integration and connection with the Tao (or Mother Nature, Mother Earth, God, Goddess, All that is).
The spiritual development tool most closely associated with cultivating this spiritual energy are activities associated with movements that bring the physical, mental, and spiritual realms together. It is almost a kind of blending together of the life force energies, the elements, and the soul into a kind of interconnection. This can happen with meditative movements, such as with Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, nature walks, some kinds of swimming, running or other activities where you have a sense of connection between mother nature (or the elements) and your body, mind, and spirit.
The spiritual experience that is created with the seventh chakra energy is the gift of telepathic communication. This type of mind-to-mind communication can occur with another person on the physical plane, or when with nonphysical Beings, such as helpers who come to assist with a healing. It is the communication that is used when you visit other nonphysical places, such as when you begin to meet with your Higher Self, or interact with your Spiritual Guides. Telepathy is the primary mode of communication when you travel to other levels of the Tao.
Each chakra is not only a different color it is a different type of energetic frequency of spiritual energy. Because each is a different type of energy, each chakra also creates a different type of spiritual experience. When you cultivate different chakras, you increase your probability of having spiritual experiences that are associated with that energetic vibration.
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