The message I keep getting is to let others know about the importance of tuning in and being aware of one's thoughts and feelings. This is the important message for this era in humanity - learning to trust one's own thoughts, feelings, hopes, and desires. This is the beginning step that we all must take to embark upon a life of meaning and purpose. This is the way a person learns how to start thinking and being their own person and taking responsibility and ownership for their life experience.
I then had a compressed series of experiences with a personal dream message, then a meditation, then an Qigong exercise, and finally a message from beyond with a recommendation to share this compressed experience as an example of how paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and knowing your desires, translates into messages, guidance, and answers. This is kind of a typical day for me - I dream, I meditate, I do Qigong exercise, and I get input. Then I do my regular day tasks and live a normal life.
But I was prompted to share this morning's experience as an example of how being tuned into my thoughts, feelings, dreams, and sensations works for me and how this translates to getting answers to questions I've been focused on.
I keep a journal and record significant dreams, questions, thoughts, desires, significant events, new awareness, and guidance I have received. This is today's entry.
Sun Feb 19, 2023My DreamIn my dream I was a passenger in my car; I was in the front seat. I believe my sister (or someone I know who I am close to) was driving and we ended up in what seemed like a tall large cave with a road running through it and a parking lot in this cave. It seemed like other cars were going to hit us and we ended up moving out of the way and backing into a wall in the parking area. We got out, walked around. It seemed this area was a type of tourist attraction that I had never heard of - even though it was close to where I live.I followed behind others who were pointing to an area on a jagged rock wall as being remarkable. I looked at it and only saw a bumpy rock.
I then walked to another feature others were gathered around. It included an area that was up a few steps and then you walked into what looked like a small rock crevice. I walked up the steps, went into the crevice, and saw nothing other than rock, then exited the crevice. I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about.
Then I meandered to another area that had a group of people pointing to areas on a large rock wall as if it were a painting. Again, I didn't see anything but stone. But then I started to see very pale, slight colorings of lines and realized this was a petroglyph of some type, and I started to get excited, since I’m “into petroglyphs”. I had never heard that petroglyphs were near to where I live. I was excited! I then went back to the other areas I had examined and now saw a face image on the bumpy rock. I went back to the crevice and now saw there was an abundance of diverse images and faces in this rock. I knew this was a very important find! The more I stood and observed, the clearer these images became.
I left, wanting to bring my camera and take photos, but I couldn’t find my camera or phone to take photos. I then woke up, got up, and went downstairs to do my daily morning meditation. I made some green tea and sat in the dark and began to meditate.
My Meditation
In this meditation, my thoughts began, but were not about my dream, but rather about how I have eyes where I sometimes can see beyond the physical. This usually happens when I give a Qigong medical treatment, for example - where I “see” inside of the patient’s body and the problems that are there. I can also tune in at times and “see'' spiritual beings who come to assist. I also have experiences where I “see” bright light in a dark room - even though there are no lights turned on. In other words, there are times when I am using my physical eyes to look and observe, but see beyond the physical realm and into that nonphysical realm. This doesn’t happen all the time - but it is enough that I know when it is physically real and spiritually real. I’m also aware this also occurs with sounds, or smells, or tastes - my senses are sometimes able to tap beyond the physical and into that nonphysical space and retrieve and report on those sensations.
In this meditation I was now being told that “focusing on improving one’s sensing skills means that you are reaching beyond the physical senses and tapping into the nonphysical, but still using those physical means to report on what you are receiving. This is what it means to expand one’s ability to sense - it’s improving your skills and abilities to interact and receive input from all these other layers of the Tao and send it into your physical self as a means to enhance the message and communication.”
I then ended my meditation and began doing Qigong exercises to accompany the sunrise.
My Qigong Exercise
When I completed my Qigong exercise, I stayed standing with my eyes closed and arms outstretched to continue to receive Qi and life force energy into my energetic self. In this phase or receiving and welcoming subtle energies into me, my thoughts turned to my dream last night of messages hidden in stone that I eventually was able to perceive and see, and then my early morning meditation about how expanding ones sensing skills uses your senses and then goes beyond the physical realm into the spiritual realm. Now I heard another voice in my mind explaining what happened in my dream and meditation.
“Last night you were exploring the metaphysicalTao and being guided by someone you trust. You stopped to “see” things that are there, in the area you live, but in a different layer beyond the physical realm. The dream showed you that you could tune in and open up to receiving input and the messages embedded in the earth. The dream message was to show the process of not only developing that skill, but how it can be used.
The meditation that happened after you woke up was a way to guide your mind on how the expansion of sensing skills works - you use your physical senses but you are training them to go beyond the physical realm and tap in and receive the messages and input from other layers within the Tao.
You now have a new awareness.The process of expanding one’s awareness may occur in multiple steps with messages being sent and received in different manners - dreams, thoughts, meditations, etc. When the awareness moment happens, it can come from the gathering of all those pieces together to provide the full message.
You now have an awareness that when one is expanding their sensing skill abilities, it begins with that desire, and then thoughts and feelings, and then focusing on those desires, thoughts, and feelings and using your physical senses to help increase your awareness. The input of sensations, thoughts, feelings, images, sounds, etc. may expand beyond the physical realm to provide that fuller picture of meaning.
It starts out small, but grows and expands like ripples made on a still water lake. Awareness may begin with the rock hitting the still water, but the growth of awareness is like the ripples made from that single moment when the rock hits the water.”
My recent thoughts on 'how to increase and improve my awareness to help me expand my consciousness' have led me to this experience of a dream message, a meditation message, and guidance from beyond. In this dream, for example, the message was about how my ability to see can expand beyond what I physically see. The awareness of seeing beyond the physical then expands into new areas and then creates new thoughts, impressions, and feelings. Even messages by nonphysical messengers and spiritual guides begin to direct new concepts and ideas into my meditations and other communication methods I am open to receiving. These then create even more new thoughts, feelings, awareness, and impressions within my physical self. The outcome is an expanding awareness of consciousness, which is what I have desired. The ripple grows. New concepts and ideas emerge.
Learning to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings is the beginning of becoming more aware. Your thoughts and feelings will help you become aware of your desires and your thoughts and feelings will then start giving you feedback to help guide you towards what your desires are. The process of awareness grows and expands and eventually gets deeper and broader. Others will be drawn in and come forward in new ways to help open doors that can assist in helping you achieve your desires, and more and new thoughts and feelings will become part of your life. Eventually the nonphysical realm from the other layers of the Tao will also be drawn in and start to be part of this movement and flow as well. But it all begins with the first step - being aware of your thoughts and feelings.
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