Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Going Within to Get Your Answers and Inner Guidance

Years ago I was taught an important lesson by my spiritual teacher, John U.K. I had been struggling with lack of direction, along with feelings and thoughts that were not part of my religious upbringing. I think I was looking for a new set of rules and structure, along with a new tribe. At that time, one of the more popular spiritual teachers and writers was a man named Ram Dass. His books were bestsellers and society was a buzz with this new age guru. I read one of his books and had high hopes. After all, he had broad support, was a best selling author, and there was lots of chatter everywhere about this man. But after immersing myself between those book covers, I came away with a sense of emptiness and started doubting my assessment and experience with what I read.  I wondered what I got wrong or what I didn’t see that everyone else saw or experienced. 

I discussed this with John U.K., my spiritual guide. He advised me to listen to my feelings rather than the white noise of others. He said my feelings were the real truth. All that emptiness, lack of trust, and confusion was serving as my answer. All of this was telling me "no". John U.K. said the public support was essentially “groupthink”, but my inner self was giving me my personal answer and guidance. 

THIS was a lesson that stuck with me. The lesson became an awareness to TRUST ONE’s OWN  IMPRESSIONS AND FEELINGS and to IGNORE the GROUP NOISE. I was to trust my inner feelings and personal truth and use that to forge my own life path and direction.

Ignoring the group noise is not easy. We are programmed with a desire to be accepted and included into the group or tribe. But learning how to get personal guidance and direction is one of the key lessons one needs to learn and develop in order to connect with one's life purpose. This is how one discovers their reason for being. 

We are living in the era of chaos, upheaval, and change. We will be faced and confronted with even more choices and paths in this era. Now is the time each of must develop the skill and ability to go within ourselves and listen to our inner voice. We each need to block out the “white noise” around us and turn inward to get the guidance we need. 

Seek answers from within. Learn to navigate your self compass thought your feelings, thoughts, and impressions. You can develop a clear messaging process with your inner voice which will help you stay on course. The more you exercise and use this "subtle muscle", the more confidence you will gain in knowing your decisions are aligned with your life purpose and taking you in the right direction you need.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Chat About Discerning Truth in Our Thoughts, Beliefs, and Impressions

This was a chat I had with a spiritual being after the Lori Vallow Daybell murder trial. Lori Vallow Daybell was found guilty of having her two children murdered in Idaho. This devout Mormon became immersed in thoughts, beliefs, and impressions that led her to see her children as zombies who needed to be killed. She was deemed to be mentally competent, but somehow her beliefs led her to do many atrocities. How does a person's inner guidance system get so screwed up? Why do some people's subtle inner navigational system work and others lead them to bizarre behavior? This was the background for this discussion with a Spiritual Being.

"You have been pondering the process of using thoughts, feelings, and impressions as part of the navigation process for the soul and how the Lori Daybell murder trial was in part, a presentation of her doing just that. She was following almost blindly with her thoughts, feelings, impressions, and those beliefs about the end of the world resulted in several murders.

Her beliefs were (and are) galvanized through fear that stems from her religion and has led her to take these religious teachings in new directions that include zombies, soul possessions, and the need to save those who are unruly or not following THEIR plan which results in having people eliminated (killed). It is a similar process to the witch trials of the past - maneuvering or manipulating others to make them more afraid and to force others to agree and accept actions that would in calmer minds would be rejected and forbidden. 

The process of using one’s thoughts, feelings, and impressions as a means of guidance to help make better choices and decisions that are aligned to their life purpose is still a worthy form of communication and navigational tool. The error in this group of doomsday people as seen in the Lori Vallow Daybell trial is that the information they are getting from within their thoughts, feelings, and impressions is based on group thinking and support that has been fueled with fear, hate, manipulation, and the desire to belong, etc. This is that negative polarity of energy and in need of being rebalanced towards more positive energies.

A person chooses or decides to stay in that negative polarity often due to this is where their peers are living or surrounded by and they lack the strength, skills, or perhaps are lazy - and choose to stay in that sea of negative (aka evil) forces. The acceptance or camaraderie of having a “tribe” of people who accept you - even if it is in that sea of negative energies - is still appealing if you are afraid of being alone or ostracized or not accepted. The feelings, impressions, and thoughts of staying in that murky water need to grow or expand to the point where it becomes more uncomfortable to stay. Some don’t know how to leave.

The brother, for example, may have accepted the route of death because it was the only way out or perhaps he was manipulated into that path by his sister. Needless to say, the process of using thoughts, feelings, impressions for guidance is still the way a person learns to tune in to get their own personal nudges or answers. In this process, the person also needs to learn how to discern when they are truly connecting with truth that is not “clear, clean, and unfiltered" or uncontaminated with their tainted views, beliefs, or cluttered with advice or beliefs from their tribe or authority figures.THAT is also part of the process - to be able to recognize when one’s answers or guidance is REAL or TRUE - from THEIR SOURCE (aka Higher Self).

There would be an additional sensation of “oneness” or “truth” or “peace” or “balance” with a thought, feeling or impression from within. It would stand on its own. It would have an awareness of it being RIGHT or TRUE - that awareness like when you know you are in love - you just know it. When it is from your source, it is that same type of “moment of awareness” - it is just TRUE. It is the same sensation. That sensation of awareness - where everything has lined up in that moment - this is how you would recognize the thought, feeling, or impression is directly connected and not filtered or influenced by rhetoric or others. It is not contaminated or inappropriately influenced by other energies or people or situations."

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

A Chat with a Spiritual Being Regarding the Chaos in the World

I’ve been discouraged and perplexed regarding the state of the world and the nation. There is so much unrest, violence, anger, and political unrest and divisiveness is growing. Why are we continuing in this swirl? Can we stop and end this? This is a chat I had with a Spiritual Being about what humanity is currently experiencing...

"There have been times like this in the past - the Holocaust, the witch burning, the Crusades - a frenzy of emotion and fear sweeping over a group of people who then kill, plunder, and do what they like. You are living through one of those moments where you have a tremendous megaphone in your society inciting anger, hate, fear, and a desire to expunge, purge, kill, and remove others who do not feel the same, or act the same, or look the same. The outcome of this frenzy will be similar to what happened in prior eras of uncontrolled rage. It is like a fire that cannot be controlled but will eventually burn out. Yes, lives will be lost. Property taken or demolished. Not in the places you may expect because chaos easily moves and flows in unexpected directions. The removal of Trump as its leader has not stopped or curtailed the movement, correct? Having him be placed in a permanent position of leading this group will not matter and may not be the expected outcome, but churn and upturn of the foundation will be. 

When things finally settle down it may be due to exhaustion or not having enough fuel in this movement to continue. But in this process of churn, new leaders within the opposition to this rage will not only emerge, but will be strengthened. This process of burning down all those structures that allowed and encouraged such destruction and the demolishing of the country's foundation will allow new seeds to come forward. The things the original America believed in - like justice, equality, civil liberties, fairness, everyone was supposed to have a voice - those things will be seen as being still valuable and will be nurtured to grow and develop. 

We anticipate the hatred and anger, conspiracies created by many (such as many men and the white supremacists) will be like embers that will finally be put out to end this chain of events. Your question as to why this is still happening is because it needs that uncontrolled rage and expansion to take over and dominate everything else so we can get it over with, extinguish those languishing embers that have been still in play for centuries, and then move on with a new canvas with leaders that have emerged from these battles that we can now trust and accept. The process for helping a person choose is often done through the help by seeing what we don’t want. Most people do not want to be ruled by paranoia, fear, hate, suppression, anger and rules that only apply to the rich and powerful.

This era you find yourself in is where people are presented with two strong options and choice as to who they are and how they want to live. Peer pressure is very much in play here, but because people will often follow the crowd they find themselves in, they will also be given windows or opportunity to make choices for themselves. Many will opt to stay in that current and flow of staying in a group, and will eventually learn a lesson they need to have - we each make our own choice and live with that consequence. This swirl of negative energy will end when it has run out of fuel and/or is no longer needed to prepare a new canvas for a new story about humanity.

You want to know if the Shialude is helping to control this rage, you ask? Notice how the swirl seems to be fed by individuals rather than leaders. This individual approach rather than a top down approach is represented by a different mantra being used that was not present in previous societal upheavals. The ability to disseminate this hate, anger, fear, conspiracies is much enhanced in the era you are living in, so the spread is faster, but it still would require willing participants to fuel the flames and keep them alive. Eventually this will burn out. How long? Maybe months, but most likely years. Not decades or centuries like it has been in the past. This is more intense and deeper, which means quicker in it becoming over.

The results of this intense chaos and change, we believe, is that the garbage people continue to cling to about race, wealth, power, control, religion, politics, and prejudices will, for the most part, be changed or at least softened. There will be new and different concerns emerge that are currently unforeseen, but the Tao desires different experiences, so the seeds as to what creates the push and pull between people will most likely be different from what was pervasive in your society. 

The desire to learn and explore energies beyond the earth and solar system is part of this new era as well. The era is new and will be very different from what you currently know and have lived through in all your incarnations. This new era is, and will be, very different. Trying to solve problems based on old behaviors and concepts will no longer work. They will seem archaic and designed for an era that is long gone."

Monday, October 23, 2023

Chaos and Change

Most likely you are feeling things changing within you, and in the world. Some of this is represented by chaos. Some are represented by the demise of some institutions and beliefs, Some are from timeline changes; some not.  

This is a time of change and upheaval in many ways, but also with this the awareness things are progressing. This change is allowing new ideas to start growing and emerging.  With change, there is always upheaval. Some will adapt, some will not.  You probably can already see who will have the fortitude to carry on and those who will not. Those who have been alone and independent and have had to scrape through life are often better prepared than those who have not. 

As always, and like most things, it is often a matter of choice as to how to get through all these changes and chaos.  Choice is a primary law of human development.  The ability to choose who you are and what you do is part of the gift basket that helps you become “you”.

The choices you make will reflect back to others as to the type of person you are. If you are stuck in a cycle of fear, hate, or anger, for example, others will see and know you as a person unable to grow, adapt, or move forward. If your choices are to change and adapt, you are seen as flexible, willing to take risks, and to move on. 

The choices you make are the colors you use to paint the canvas of your life. This is the “you” that is on full display for others to sense your essence and being.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Learning Qigong Healing Techniques Can Be a Way to Expand Your Consciousness

Qigong healing uses the techniques where your thoughts, your focus, and your intentions are garnered to assist in the healing of another. This state of mind helps you create a "state of being" where you, the healer, can join, connect, and participate in the subtle energies of another and then assist in guiding or directing these subtle energies to change, or move, or flow. 

This type of healing is one way to use your consciousness to participate and be involved in the subtle energy field that is within us. This process is one way to not only expand your consciousness, but to engage and frequently use this energy field.

The Qigong training begins with learning how to sense, feel, and interpret not only your own personal energies, but the energies around you. You tune into your five senses (touch, hear, see, smell, taste) and learn to sharpen the access and interpretation of those subtle messages that come from these senses.

As you practice and improve those skills of sensing, interpretation, and understanding those subtle messages, you expand your ability to receive these types of messages. You also develop and improve your ability to trust what you are receiving. This can lead to additional methods of communication opening up to you. One of these may be the ability to connect and commune with nonphysical beings of spirit, who may even join in and assist with healing sessions and activities you are conducting. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Social Media and the Development of a New Group Consciousness

One of the Tao's desires is the expansion of consciousness. The expansion of consciousness has typically meant being tuned in and aware of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, and impressions, and then gaining an interpretation, understanding, and an action associated with this awareness. This has been the process to help fuel change, growth, development, and improvements in life. It has been part of a process of gaining knowledge, insight, and wisdom.

But we are now in a new era of humanity's development - a revolution of change, if you will. Due to new technology, how we live is always changing and having access to the world wide web and being connected to everything and everyone. We now have tools, such as through social media, to share private thoughts, feelings, desires, impressions, and whims and release these personal bits of consciousness as data points into the wild. These pieces of our inner self can now be part of a group consciousness that is no longer hidden or secure our physical boundaries. It has been released and can take root into a group consciousness that has no constraints or protections. It can become a part of a group-like mind of thoughts that now have a mythical form of cohesion with a hashtag and label.  Your personal thought or feeling is now part of a new type of an expanded consciousness.

Having something humanity has not seen and experienced before is how the Tao also learns, grows and develops. This new "group consciousness" is now also part of humanity's journey of learning, growing, and developing. Part of this experience will undoubtedly require us, as a society, to figure out how we can use this new group consciousness to become better than who we currently are, and to gain the knowledge, insight, and wisdom needed in this new phase of humanity's growth.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Expanding Consciousness Begins with Self Awareness

The Tao has a desire for us to expand consciousness and awareness, which changes, expands, and fine tunes the energies of your soul. The process of expanding our consciousness and awareness is how we change our “inner subtle energies” that can eventually help us become enlightened beings.  

Expanding our consciousness and awareness takes place through the journey of our life experience. Living on this planet and overcoming the challenges as well as enjoying points of joy and pleasure all contribute to the learning process and help us to gain more insight, knowledge, and wisdom. But being tuned in and aware is where more growth and consciousness takes place. It is in that inner realm where our thoughts, feelings, desires, choices, decisions, and actions reside that are one of the keys to help us learn, grow, understand, and expand our consciousness, and when this happens, it is like a new energetic thread within our actual soul is created and then lights up. It changes who we are.

There are different ways to help us tune in and pay attention to the subtle going ons within us. This includes paying attention to your  thoughts, feelings, impressions, desires and decisions.  To do this you usually need to pause and spend time alone to allow the "subtle you" to come forward or to be more aware of this presence. Some will meditate to allow time and space for this connection and communication with themselves. Others will carve out time in nature to allow this self reflection. Some will use a creative process, such as writing, or drawing, or with music or art. Some will use exercise, such as horseback riding, bicycling, or jogging, for example. There are countless ways to set aside time and space for oneself and allow that free-flow of thought, feelings, and impressions to come forward.  

The important thing is to learn how to connect and commune with your thoughts, feelings, and impressions. The next step is to learn WHICH thoughts, feelings and impressions have value to you and are keepers and to then discard the ones you don't want or need. 

The process of tuning into our inner-self and then learning how to discern the gems of our inner thoughts and feelings we want to embrace is how we get to know our soul and its needs and desires. This is how we expand our consciousness and awareness. 

This whole process of self communing and understanding our subtle nature is a key to becoming more aware and enlightened. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

A New Baby is Given Instructions on How to Heal Herself

A friend of mine welcomed the birth of a new baby granddaughter, but the baby was shortly sent to the ICU due to meningitis and other complications. I told my friend I would give the new baby a remote Qigong treatment if the parents agreed. They did, so I prepared for the treatment and projected my spiritual self to the bedside of this new little tyke. Additional spiritual beings who often assist me with healing treatments also arrived; The Old Chinese Master, the Microbiologist, and two new experts on cells and genes named Ian, and Rhonda.  

When we arrived we saw an adolescent girl standing outside the incubator, staring at the baby inside the incubator.  This female was the new baby's soul!  We were seeing the soul based on the "soul age" of this spirit - a teenager. She was clearly unsure of what to do. She then made a comment, saying that this illness was totally unexpected and not something she planned or wanted. She now didn't know if she wanted to stay or not. The life she was expecting did not include major health problems and she was wondering if she should just leave and not fight this battle. 

Then, Rhonda and Ian conversed with the Microbiologist about what cells would or should be flipped off or on to resolve this problem. They then informed her what she could do to fix the problem. She would need to get back into the body and flip some switches within her cell structure. They informed her that by making those simple changes, there would no longer be an obstacle or reason to no longer want to continue with this body and have life experience she had planned. 

This adolescent soul then seemed to easily slip into that little infant physical body and must have flipped the appropriate switches (it seemed like 3 switches) because things suddenly changed. I could tell the illness or disease was now gone. She was OK and would continue to have no residual problems from this health scare.

Shortly after the conclusion of this remote treatment, my friend contacted me to inform me the Doctor just left and said the baby was doing well and was being moved out of ICU. 

We have a new technology in healthcare being studied and used in test cases called CRISPR, which is a genome editing process to see if it can treat or heal certain diseases. But the process that Rhonda and Ian were using was not the gene splicing process like CRISPR, it was more of a "flipping of a switch" or a code to either be active or inactive. My impression was they had brought this recommended process from a part of the Tao I didn’t know about or have had access to. It felt to me as if this solution was somewhere in the future, but because they could access everything and everywhere in the Tao's domain, they were able to share exactly what needed to be changed with this new soul, who then “fixed herself”. 

I was in awe. If an individual can obtain the healing instructions and then install the solution within their own body, this would be revolutionary.  This would be the epitome of self empowerment.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Expansion of Conscioiusness

When I was 36 years old I was married, living in Utah, and struggling with questions about the Mormon Church. The rhetoric and answers I heard my entire life no longer made sense. Then, my spiritual guide, John U.K., made his presence known to me. John U.K. is  a former friend from my last incarnation. We both lived in the United Kingdom and were killed in WWII. After that incarnation, I wanted to reincarnate to finish what I had planned to do in that life. But John did not want to reincarnate but said he would help guide and prompt me in this new journey to help me complete those tasks. 

I was thrilled to have someone with “inside knowledge” in the spiritual realm and who was also accessible. I asked John U.K. all the stuff that made no sense to me, including the Mormon concept of God. “Is there a God” I asked?  His response was “There is the Tao”.  This is the response he gave:

“In the beginning there was dust, atoms, gas - the Tao. In order for the TAO to broaden its experience, it decided to create this earth's existence and divide itself upon it. The purpose was to gain the greatest diversity of experience. And in order for the Tao to learn, progress, and grow, the Tao chose to break into smaller pieces. We call these smaller pieces “fragments” of the Tao. Some of these fragments are us. You are all a fragment of the Tao. The earth is also one of those fragments.  The Tao is the total gathering of information, knowledge, wisdom, energy, etc. It is the sum of all existence, both what you can sense and that which you have no concept of. It is everything that is." 

Over the years I have learned that when we expand our consciousness and awareness is when growth and progress occurs. But why does this matter? What is the end game in all of this progression and expanded consciousness? It is this process of acquiring more knowledge, experience, wisdom, and awareness that changes our very soul - we become a more “enlightened being” - a type of brilliance that can be seen, felt, and expressed. It changes our very core. And because we are fragments of the Tao, as we change, grow, and improve, so, too does the Tao. This is what some call the “alchemy of the soul”.

Why is this important now? You have noticed how the world seems to be in upheaval. There is a lot of chaos and uncertainty in the world - more than ever before. This is related to humanity “waking up” - and it is creating a change in how we think and do things.  

The Tao is essentially demanding that we start thinking and being different. We need to become different. We need to become this new energy and we do this by making choices and decisions that are aligned with this new energy. The old ways of doing things no longer will work nor have the same value.  We are in a new era known as “The Awakening”. This means humanity has a new awareness of our own inner self - our soul and its energy. We are more aware of our thoughts, desires, feelings, and impressions and these will no longer be suppressed. They will no longer be ignored. On a collective level, it means that humanity will need to resolve problems differently. Decision makers will no longer be automatically awarded to someone based on their life station, or position, or if they are privileged, have wealth, power, or fame. It is shifting towards unexpected individuals.Currently it seems to be those who are just loud, irritating,  and disruptive, but this will shift as more people see this is not what they want. When it shifts towards people with integrity, service, passion, knowledge, as well as the new tools (such as AI), this is when the trajectory and path will be sustainable. 

Humanity is on a new trajectory. This new trajectory will take us on many new journeys that will expand our consciousness and eventually help us to become more enlightened beings.