In a relationship you can get to the point where your hearts can connect and truly become joined. To get to this point, however, you have to be willing to take an extreme risk that most don’t or won’t take. It is where you allow yourself to be totally exposed emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically to your partner.
If you arrive at this connection point, you can join in such a way that you literally can feel yourself soar to new heights that are without boundaries. It is where a new energy has been created within you. But also at that same connecting point is an awareness you are now totally open and vulnerable. You can be completely destroyed by your partner should they choose to flip that switch and if flipped, the pain can send you to the greatest depths of despair accompanied with paralyzing pain because your emotions, soul, mind, and heart have been pierced and severed.
If you arrive at this connection point and open yourself up to both of you being completely open and available in your body, mind, soul, and all emotions - a special connection is created, and at that deepest point of connection, it becomes lit and you can literally feel a new energy being created within you. This is what will allow your soul to take flight and barriers removed. It is an amazing experience beyond anything you will ever feel. It is like the next level of a kundalini energy shower experience.
The opportunity to soar to new places along with that feeling of complete and total ecstasy is something few experience. The risk is great, but so too is the reward.