When you gain awareness or insight, it will often carry over and lead you to an additional new awareness or insight. Nature has a way of reusing concepts, processes, forms in one thing and then transposing them in a whole new area. I found this to be the case with the fragmentation of the Tao. It fits very nicely in the model of the Big Bang theory and it also fits nicely in the metaphorical microcosmic model of the human body in Chinese Medicine.
But when I read a passage in the book “Spiritwalker:Messages from the Future” by Hank Wesselman, I knew the experience was real because it was very similar to my own experiences, especially the concepts about the Tao. This is what Mr. Wesselman shared in his book (page 332) about this spiritual experience:
- In this black void of the Tao, a dream-seed took form in the empty darkness.
- It was the void’s dream, infinitely small at first, a single point of solitary thought-feeling that began to form in two distinct directions; one as thought, the other as feeling-different aspects of the same dream-seed.
- It began to diversify, to become more - and the ancestral, germinal bud of the great pattern began within the dream. Within it, everything was contained - everything.
- The pattern grew with purpose, with intention, the third part of the dream - the primordial directive.
- Threads of connection between the different parts of the dream grew as well. In this way, the grid came into being.
- At first just three tiny, infinitely primitive points of ism, of being, were joined by threads of connection - three minute bits of thought, feeling and will.
- These were the primal, existential part of the great void.
- As the dream expanded, another kind of separateness manifested itself, and the subjective division of thought, feeling, and will was reflected in an identical and simultaneous division at the objective level - the partitioning of matter, energy, and awareness.
- This separation was accompanied by an explosion of unimaginable magnitude as the physical level of reality came into being. The darkness of the great void was filled with a brilliant, blinding flash of light, as matter and energy expanded outward into the emptiness and the new universe flowed away into the darkness in immense rings, as great circular waves expanding outward, outward into the darkness, in every direction —forever….
- I (and humanity) existed (at this time) only as the expanding matter, as the movement of the power flowing through the universal void and as the awareness of this process taking place.
- For uncountable eons I perceived my awareness was part of the initial awareness.
- I understood that the power I felt was the life essence that pervades the universe.
- I watched primordial matter become physical reality in an infinite number of forms.
- I saw the universe as a vast entity charged with life-force, an immense being composed of matter, power, and ever-increasing awareness.
- I saw its purpose - the creation of intelligent life through the diversification of matter, life-essence, and awareness.
- I observed these three aspects of the universe changing, manifesting into countless forms and aspects.
- I watched the universe follow its own directive, creating more of itself, transforming the flow of power into form, process, and awareness…the great pattern grew.”
Mr. Wesselman’s experience fit and blended very nicely with the concepts I had been taught to by my Spiritual Teacher and Guide, John U.K. and later verified in meditations, astral travels, and dreams.
- In the beginning there was dust, atoms, gas - the Tao. In this big void, a thought began.
- In this empty darkness a thought started to take form.
- A thought and a feeling emerges.
- This thought and feeling formed into a pattern.
- The pattern grew and now seemed to also include some purpose and intention and became attached to this thought and feeling.
- Connective threads developed between the different parts of those thoughts, feelings, purpose, and intention to become a kind of grid.
- A desire emerges within this grid; a desire to experience more.
- The desire multiplies, expands, and grows.
- All of this comes into being.
- Consciousness and awareness begin.
Being able to recognize another person's story and experience can trigger one of those "ah hah" moments where you recognize a shared truth is a moment of awareness and an expansion of consciousness.
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