Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Humanity is Developing a New Consciousness- This will Help us Improve How we Resolve National Conflicts

I was relieved to learn that Ukraine has submitted the paperwork to be part of Europe. In addition, Finland and Sweden are also following this path, too. Hopefully the other NATO members will accept and facilitate these moves as the need to have a unified front to secure Europe from Putin’s aggression is absolutely necessary and vital.The probability of Putin launching nuclear weapons and using genocidal poisons is very high. His threats and actions will continue to unite the world to oppose him and his tactics which will eventually also trigger actions to eliminate the use of nukes, poisons, and other methods of destruction.

From the Tao’s point of view, humanity needs to learn how to communicate and resolve problems beyond the methods used in the past.  The Tao is always striving for new opportunities to learn, develop, create more awareness, which means it is time for humanity to learn how to get along without killing each other or destroying the planet. Luckily humanity is undertaking a new shift of consciousness which means the time is right for us to figure out how to stop using nukes, poisons, and dealing with our hurt egos by killing people who piss us off. This new era is allowing more 'feminine' energies to grow and emerge. This is allowing not only a rebalancing of the usual 'male' energies in play, it is helping new ideas, solutions, and methodologies to become available.  There is a new and different awareness and consciousness which will help us develop new and different ways to resolve problems that in the past meant lying, cheating, stealing, shooting, bombing, poisoning, genocide, or nuking, It may even help us with climate change.

The current Ukraine/Russia conflict is like no other war we have ever seen. This alone is a confirmation about humanity’s change in consciousness. We see it playing out in full display from Velensky, Ukraine's leader, as well as from many of the Ukraine people. We all sense a new awareness and empowerment that we have not witnessed in political leaders nor in a collective population before. To me, this is a validation of the new subtle energies that are now part of our world in this new era.  

I anticipate that Putin will continue with his destruction, revenge, and annihilation based on the playbook he used in Syria and is now reusing in Ukraine. I also believe that because Ukraine, Finland, and Sweden are preparing to join NATO, Putin's defiance will grow as well as his rage and acts of expunging all life in his path, including using nukes and chemicals. I also believe the world and eventually stop Putin. 

After Putin's final wielding male energy on steroids, all this chaos and destruction will end and there will be a more balanced approach to conflict resolution emerge around the globe. Global leaders will come together to write new rules of cooperation between countries. There will be rules to address expectations and behaviors, along with limitations, accountabilities, rewards, punishments, rebuilding, and the type of world we want to create and have for our children's future. 

I believe we are now in a new stage of humanity's development. We will see a new global consciousness and awareness emerge with ways that will improve how we get along and resolve our future conflicts.